Project START – Success Through Assistive Rehabilitative Technology Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
Marketing Plan Radio Television AT Awareness Week Mini Conferences Focus on Rural and Underserved Areas
Marketing Plan w A media campaign for Project START was developed that targeted two audiences with two separate spots in radio and television advertising. One spot targeted potential consumers/clients while the other targeted individuals with AT equipment to donate.
Partnerships w Two Men & Truck w Independent Living Centers w Durable Medical Companies w Technology Vendors w Department of Education
Partnerships w United Methodist Churches w Baptist Churches w Health Departments w Veterans Administration
Outcomes w Received 73 Donations w Trained 560 consumers
Increased Access w 25 Computers w 20 Mobility w 1 Lift w 3 Transfer Boards w 25 Repairs w Savings $29,523.60
How to find us: w Dorothy Young w w w Visit the Project START webpage at