Rutherford B. Hayes High School Curriculum Night for
Counselor Phone #’s & s Grade 8: A – F & Grades 9 -11: A - D Mr. Brown Grade 8: G – L, Grade 9: E – L, & Grades 10 & 11: E - K Mrs. Pollard Grade 8: M – R, Grade 9: M – Q, & Grades 10 & 11: L - R Miss Darcy Grade 8: S – Z, Grade 9: R – Z, & Grades 10 & 11: S - Z Mrs. Conant
Appointments with Counselors The Counselors want to ensure that they have the availability to meet with you, so appointments are strongly encouraged and are appreciated. Appointments can be made by ing the counselor or by calling the Counseling Office at Thank you for helping us better serve you!
Graduation Requirements 21 Credits English4 Credits Social Studies3 Credits (World St. / U.S. St./ Govt & Econ) Math4 Credits (Must include Algebra 2) Science3 Credits (1 Physical / 1 Bio / 1 Elective) Health.5 Credit PE.5 Credit (.25 Credit ea. Or 2 PE Waivers) Music/Art or DACC Lab1 Credit Electives5 or 5.5 (if PE waiver used) Credits
HONORS DIPLOMA Must meet 7 of 8 criteria. (Career-tech requirements are slightly different.) English4 units Mathematics4 units (including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course) Science4 units (including Physics & Chemistry) Social Studies4 units Foreign Language3 units (including at least 2 units in each language studied) Fine Arts1 unit Grade Point Average3.5 on an unweighted 4.0 scale ACT/SAT Score 27 ACT / 1210 SAT (excludes scores from the writing sections)*
COURSE HANDBOOK It has been ed to students’ school accounts. If you need further descriptions of all the courses, you may access the course curriculum book on-line at: Guidance Course & Scheduling Information Course Handbook
College Options 1. Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEOP) PSEOP allows Ohio high school students to earn college credit and high school credit through completion of college courses. Students must meet the state and university requirements. Students travel to the university to take these courses. Students do not have to pay college tuition for these courses. 2. Concurrent Enrollment Students attend a university and can earn college and high school credit at the same time. Parents and students absorb this cost. Universities that do not participate in PSEO offer this option.
College Options 3. Dual Enrollment Students take these classes at Hayes High School in their regular schedules, taught by Hayes High School teachers. Students pay reduced tuition fees and can receive both high school and a college credit at the end of the course. Look in the Course Handbook or refer to the course selection sheet. 4. Advanced Placement (AP) The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is offered to high school students through The College Board and provides a resource for students to earn collegiate credit before enrolling at a university. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at Hayes High School. Students must apply for these courses. These courses also have additional fees and a culminating test in May. Students who take AP courses stand out in the admissions process. High test scores can result in college credit. See the course guide for available courses. Beginning with the Class of 2014 a student must earn a C- or better to earn the additional point for weighted grading.
College Admissions Current juniors, take ACT with writing or SAT this spring. Pick up practice tests in the Counseling Office. Register on-line ASAP. Include colleges on your registration – many are now requiring official scores. Visit colleges between now and next fall. Apply by December 2014 or sooner!
AP Course Offerings AP Language & Composition AP Literature & Composition AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental AP Physics 2 AP European History AP US History AP Government AP Art History AP Studio Art Applications can be found on the web or in guidance. Signatures from current teacher and AP teacher need to be obtained on application.
Virtual High School Available for enrichment Courses available in a variety of academic areas Courses are not offered to replace those already taught at Hayes Interested students need to apply on-line Guidance > Course & Scheduling Info Click on the Applications link
WEIGHTED GRADES AP classes are weighted for grades of C- or higher. This means that an A = 5 pts. B = 4 pts. etc. for AP classes only GPA’s can be over 4.0 For the Classes of 2015, 2016, & 2017: Valedictorian - all students who have a 4.1 GPA and 3 AP classes. Salutatorian - all students who have a 4.0 GPA and 2 AP classes. For the Class of 2018: Valedicatorian – the student with the highest GPA. Salutatorian – the student with the second highest GPA.
New for Hybrid Courses Music Art Electives Applications Policy Reminders Deadlines
Hybrid Courses Hybrid courses are taught partly online and partly in the classroom. Students may not be required to report to the course daily but will have coursework to complete on their own on that day. Hybrid Courses will be offered in: Earth Science Government & Economics Health Fitness/PE Leaders of Tomorrow Pacer Capstone
Music Band Band will be broken into two performance levels: Concert Marching Band & Symphonic Marching Band. Both groups will be selected by audition.
Art Extended Study is now available to students who have completed Level 1 & 2 of an art course to further their study. Application is required.
Elective Courses Pacer Capstone (0.5 credit) Open to Seniors only. Students can choose to explore future career opportunities, investigate advanced content studies, or serve the community. Application required. Leaders of Tomorrow (0.5 credit) Members of Student Council will be asked to take this hybrid course. Students will be taught various aspects of being a leader and will implement those skills in their roles in Student Council. Application required.
Elective Courses Student Technology Trainers (0.5 credit) Students will learn the components on Google tools, research the significance of technology education, learn social media etiquette, and further develop their 21 st Century Skills. They will develop technology projects to help train other students and teachers.
Study Hall Students may choose to take a traditional study hall or a tutoring lab. Tutoring Labs will be available in Math, English, Science, or World Language.
Applications – Due Feb 28 th ! Applications are required for the following courses: All AP Courses Virtual High School Humanities 9 Study Hall Option & Open Lunch D-Town Delhi Pacer Capstone Student Technology Trainers Leaders of Tomorrow Extended Art Study Talisman World Language Level 1
Study Hall Option and Open Lunch MAJOR QUALIFICATIONS Any senior with 18 credits or 17 credits with 2.5 GPA Only seniors may have Open Lunch (e.g. study hall before or after lunch period) Any junior with 12 credits and a 2.5 GPA Any sophomore with 6 credits and a 3.0 GPA All grade levels must be taking an upper level math or science class Student/family responsible for transportation. Must arrive to school on time. No more than 5 absences or 3 tardy incidents Must be passing all course in which currently enrolled No disciplinary issues
Drop Policy Students will now only be able to drop courses ONE time during their high school career without penalty after the first two weeks of the start of a course. A “W” indicating Withdrawal from the course will be entered on the transcript. This does not affect the GPA. All courses dropped after this option is used will result in an F. This will be entered on the transcript and will affect the GPA.
Pass / Fail Option Open to grades The following restrictions are placed upon this choice: No required core course may be taken pass/fail. No more than one credit may be elected in a given subject area during the four years of high school. PowerSchool will indicate actual grade percentage earned. A student may choose to return to the standard letter grade anytime prior to the end of the course. If this option is selected, the student is responsible for making the request in writing to their Guidance counselor by the end of the course. The student will then receive a letter grade for the final grade of the course. When the student drops the pass/fail option, they may not use the pass/fail option for another course in that school year. Application must be returned to guidance no later than the end of course’s 1st Term.
Dates to Remember All course selections and applications are due February 28 th ! Students will NOT be added to courses requiring applications without a completed application being submitted. Any requests to change course selections must be submitted to your school counselor by June 5 th. NO REQUESTS WILL BE HONORED AFTER THIS DATE! Students may only make ONE request to change their schedule. (Multiple changes can be made in this one request.)
Remind 101 The Counseling Dept will begin texting parents & students with reminders. Sign up today! Text to (216) (216) (Class of (Class of (Class of (Class of 2018)
Thank you for your time! We will be presenting on PSEO/Credit Flex/Dual Enrollment if you would like to remain in the auditorium. Teachers are available to discuss their curriculum and recommendations for your student.