CSAP Administration Training 2009 Monte Vista School District.


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Presentation transcript:

CSAP Administration Training 2009 Monte Vista School District

Today’s Agenda Ethical, standardized Test Administration What’s new for the 2009 CSAP administration. Requirements for scheduling and security Accommodations and CSAP Preventing misadministrations/test invalidations Please sign attendance sheet

Colorado Student Assessment System Unit of Student Assessment Achievement (Colorado Model Content Standards) College Entrance National and State Trends English Language Acquisition (Colorado ELD Standards) Colorado Student Assessment Program Colorado English Language Acquisition Program CSAP CSAPA COACTNAEPCELApro Colorado ACTNational Assessment of Educational Progress CELAplace ELAU

What is our responsibility? Ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to demonstrate what they know and are able to do within standard conditions provided to all students in Colorado.

Standardized Assessments This means…. all students will have the same test experience (content, resources, directions, testing conditions, and scoring procedures). scores are comparable - one score obtained by one student in a part of Colorado will mean the same as the same score obtained by another student in another part of Colorado.

Why we need to get it right It’s legislated (CRS, NCLB) Scores impact SAR & AYP, which can impact funding We’re asking students for 9 – 12.5 hours of testing time. Misadministrations result in no scores.

Assumption of Professionalism Teachers are professionals and understand the importance of providing a standardized administration and maintaining test security.

Ethical Administrations The CSAP Procedures Manual has four pages of “dos and don’ts” around ethics. Most of these are obvious professional standards. Sadly, most are there because of actual incidents. Here are a few of the “don’ts”: Photocopying or hand copying items from CSAP Copying passages and incorporating them into curriculum Telling students correct answers Changing student answers

Teacher vs. Proctor Facilitator Helper Clarifier Encourager Script Reader Monitor Environment controller

Proctor Requirements At least 1 proctor per 25 students Must be trained Should be district employee (clear any exceptions through DAC) Cannot proctor a relative

Testing Window Areas Tested: Grades 3-10 Reading/Writing Grades 3-4 Lectura/Escritura Grades 3-10 Math Grades 5, 8 and 10 Science Grade 3 Reading/Lectura February 17 – 27 All other CSAPs March 9 – April 10

New for General Accommodations Spelling of Words – Not allowed New rules about the use of a scribe –If used for one session within a content area must be used for all sessions within that content area

New for New Icons – Grade 9 and 10 mathematics

New for Students with illnesses and health issues Limiting classroom access – only students, proctors, and authorized school officials are permitted in a classroom while CSAP booklets are present. 7.5

Questions about items If a test proctor or examiner has a question about an item… –Contact the SAC who will then contact the DAC –USA works with the DAC We are glad to address important questions about the items –Must include in training instructions to proctors: Do Not copy the item Do Not discuss the item (other teachers, etc.) Do Not the content of the item

Teacher Created Materials Teacher created materials (whether distributed or not) must be free of actual assessment items –(Does not apply to CSAP released items)

Important Reminders for CSAP Utilize the accommodations manuals when making decisions for students Teacher read directions scripts and oral scripts are secure materials, they are returned to CTB

Test sessions must be administered in the order they appear within each test book. Students in the same grade, at the same school, must take the same session(s) at the same time. CSAP Scheduling 5.2

Maintaining Test Security CSAP Test books must be secured while in the CSAP Test Proctor’s possession

No duplication of CSAP materials is permissible. No cell phones or other communication devices are allowed in the classroom. Maintaining Security of CSAP

5 DAC/SAC 68 Procedures Use Pencil ONLY! Student Name District Name Teacher Name School Name Use only standard, wooden, graphite-based, #2 pencil on any part of the test book…. including the front cover!

Check to ensure that you have enough materials for all students each day. Postable materials (from CDE website) during CSAP administration (if posted throughout the year in the classroom): –Holistic/Analytic Writing Rubrics, Writer’s Checklist and Editing Checking List –2-pt (Math) rubric for Short Constructed Response Items –3-pt (Math) rubric for Medium Constructed Response Items –4-pt (Math) rubric for Extended Constructed Response Items Materials and Environment Standard conditions throughout the state.

Follow the script exactly as it is written. If a student asks, you must repeat oral directions in the script of the administration manual to the whole class at the beginning of the test session. Maintain a presence/awareness. Active Proctoring for CSAP 8.3,

Active Proctoring does NOT mean ‘Active Participation’ Do not provide feedback. Do not clarify test items. Do not answer content related questions. Do not interfere with the demonstration of skills. Do not interact with students in a manner that will impact student responses. Active Proctoring for CSAP 8.3,

Active Proctoring If students finish early, they may read, but not write or draw. Give full amount of time. Do not collect books until time is up.

If a student becomes ill and must leave the room after beginning the test, the student may make up the session at a later time, but he or she may not change responses to any questions he or she has already answered. If a student becomes ill… 9.3

Continuing onto another session If a student moves onto another session the test proctor must immediately stop the student and take the test book from the student. This is a misadministration. The student may not make up that session but the student may complete any other sessions that have not been attempted. There will not be a scale score.

Lectura/Escritura 9.2 Grades 3 and 4 Must be administered in separate sessions by a Spanish-speaking test proctor. Administration instructions are provided in the English CSAP Test Proctor’s Manual. Scheduling and administration are the same as for English assessments. Student Data Grids on all test books are identical – both English and Lectura/Escritura.

Accommodations for CSAP Accommodations vs. Modifications (provide access) (alter content) Accommodations need to be formally documented in a student’s record (IEP, 504 or other formal plan) and used on assessments three months prior. Decisions must be based on individual student need (not by category or program). Decisions must be made by a team including the content area teacher and parent.

Accommodations NOT Requiring Documentation Timing/SchedulingSetting/Environment Scheduling of sessions to include more breaks, as long as the total minutes (including the breaks) does not exceed the 60/65 session minutes. Grouping students: whole classroom, small groups, and individual administration Test PresentationStudent Response Rereading the script in the administration manual to all students when requested by any student Note: Spelling words to students who ask has been removed as a standard accommodation.

Accommodations Requiring Documentation Presentation Mode: Oral Presentation and Teacher Read Directions (scripted) Large Print or Braille Version Extended Time (time-and-a-half max, not unlimited) Response Mode: Scribing (Student responds orally or points to correct answers, scribe writes exact student responses into regular test book. For writing test, student indicates punctuation.

New for Scribing A scribe, if used, must be used for the entire assessment. A Booklet with more than one kind of handwriting within will be flagged as an irregularity.

Planning for Reading/Writing Accommodations Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Grade 4 Writing Writing Reading R/W Writing Reading Grade 5 Writing Writing Reading Reading Writing R/W Grade 6 Writing Writing Reading Reading Writing R/W Grade 7 Writing Writing R/W Reading Writing Reading Grade 8 Writing Writing R/W Reading Writing Reading Grade 9 Writing Writing Reading Reading Writing R/W Grade 10 Writing Writing R/W Reading Writing Reading

Transcribing Books Transcribing is not an accommodation –Damaged books –Alternate formats –When a student responds in a language other than English (Math, Science and Reading)

DAC has the authority and responsibility to invalidate tests when the standardization of the test administration and policies have been violated in any way. If there has been a major misadministration, the DAC must notify Beth Celva, Director of Unit of Student Assessment, via at Invalid Tests / Misadministration

Have a communication protocol All contacts with CDE/CTB must go through DACs. Have a protocol in place for students who become ill or who require discipline. Collect and inventory all assessment materials. If something comes up… how will we address it? Management and Preparation for Administration

The Student Data Grid All students need these areas bubbled in: Accommodations Test invalidation No other information should be coded unless the student doesn’t have a bar code label, in which case all sections should be completed.

Communication Channels 1.If questions, check manuals. 2.If Test Proctor has questions, ask SAC. 3.If SAC has questions, ask DAC. Inform your building principal.

Thank You!