EXECUTIVE SUMMARY KALSAK (GH) LTD is a privately owned company involved in both domestic and international business activities. KALSAK (GH) LTD has also contributed to so many developmental activities in the north Dayi district. Kalsak FM is a community radio established to cater for the information need of the people of North Dayi
SWOT ANALYSIS OF KALSAK FM StrengthsWeaknesses Licensed organization as per rights guaranteed by constitution of republic of Ghana Community based common information forum An organization promoted by KALSAK (GH) which has national and international links and posses strong experience on organizational management An organization formed by committed and active management team to operate radio FM in North Dayi. An organization possessing basic all equipments to operate radio FM An organization which has direct working relation with local people Inadequate physical infrastructure (Building, electricity, telephone and AC) Inadequate human resource (Program production and technology operation) Less experience to operate radio Inadequate financial resources
SWOT ANALYSIS OF KALSAK FM OpportunitiesThreats No other competitors in North Dayi Priority sector of the government (Location, information) Donors are positive for assistance Organization which is directly concerned with development of people at the grass root Traditional and narrow minded society Political interferences Possibility of victimization of conflict Poor local market
GOAL The goal of KFM is to act as means of information to create cultural, social, economic and civic awareness amongst people of North Dayi.
VISION North Dayi is free from poverty and backwardness caused by lack of national and international information and knowledge
MISSION STATEMENT Provide and promote new knowledge, path of thinking, skill as well as assist to protect and promote local knowledge, skills and wisdom for the creation of equitable society and integration North Dayi into the national mainstream
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Pro-cultural diversity Promotion of gender and social equity Promotion of local sustainable development and environment Promotion of culture of peace Proactive to change People’s right of information
MARKETING PLAN AND STRATEGIES KFM aims to serve the information and entertainment needs of adult male, women, youth and children of North Dayi of different caste groups and ethnicity. Different programmes will be developed to cater for the information and entertainment needs of these people. After analyzing the appropriate hours for each group of the people, specific time slots will be provided for each of them. Heavy, medium and light users will also be identified and their listening hours planned accordingly.
MAIN PROGRAMMES The major programs of KFM are music, news (local, national, and international), advertisement and announcements, and different cultural and developmental programmes. Specifically, it will address human rights, conflict/peace, corruption, gender, health and education, teachers training, child health, income generation (herbs production and processing, small enterprises, etc), culture and religion. It will promote local music, and culture of the North Dayi and the Volta region at large.
PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Build public relation Prepare professional proposals Form listeners fun club Participation of stakeholders Innovate creative programs
OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES Local and external mobilization Networking Institutional Capacity building Community Development Program Mobilization of Volunteers Publication of Archive Innovation and Creative Program Development
ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN KALSAK (GH) is the parent organization of KFM. A separate KFM board will be setup for the day to day operation of the station. This board will be accountable to the KALSAK (GH) board. The board will consist of 2 representatives from KALSAK (GH) board of directors, one station manager, and one representative each from every department. The main function of the board will be appointment of staff and policy decisions.
FINANCIAL PLAN AND ANALYSIS Financial plan and analysis section in this business plan is prepared on the basis of information gathered in the market survey. Key representatives of many organizations as listed in the annex were contacted to gather the information regarding the possibility of selling the air time. On the basis of conservative estimates the revenue was estimated as indicated in annex 2. The revenue was projected on the basis of increase in the air time
SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED START-UP CAPITAL Fixed capital USD Pre-operating capital cost USD Working capital USD Total initial capital USD
SALES REVENUE FORECAST Monthly sales revenue = USD Annual sales revenue = USD