FCAT 2.0 Writing
FCAT 2.0 Reading % Scoring Level Change from last year Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
FCAT 2.0 Math % Scoring Level Change from last year Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Algebra EOC Grade
FCAT 2.0 Science % Scoring Level Change from last year Grade Grade 84039
These Results Show Us The Tip Of The Iceberg
Elementary School Data
Elementary School Improvement Plans A new reading textbook adoption will provide increased rigor and will integrate reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. A new targeted approach to professional development for mathematics will be centered around effective teaching strategies. The addition of the Renaissance Star program for all elementary and middle school students will provide us with a comprehensive reading and mathematics real-time diagnostic assessment for progress monitoring of students' achievement levels. Comprehensive professional development for science will be provided with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, student investigation and discovery, and application of knowledge developed through a partnership with the Orlando Science Center.
Middle School Data
Middle School Improvement Plans The addition of the Renaissance Star program for all elementary and middle school students will provide us with a comprehensive reading and mathematics real-time diagnostic assessment for progress monitoring of students' achievement levels. The Achieve 3000 reading and writing instructional program will be expanded to EVERY middle school student. College Board's "SPRINGBOARD" English/Language Arts curriculum in middle schools will be expanded. The number of intensive math classes offered in middle schools will be increased. Professional development in math deliberate practices that aligns with the Common Core State Standards will be enhanced. The responsibilities of literacy coaches will be refocused to ensure that 100% of their time is dedicated to mentoring, coaching, and providing professional development to teachers. For middle grades science, a district content area reading resource teacher will be hired with a focus to promote academic vocabulary, content area reading strategies, and coordinate collaboration between science and reading teachers.