The Master’s Programme in Asia and Middle East Studies: Chinese Society and Politics East Asian Culture and History Modern Japan
Registrations at UiO Each semester you must complete the following registrations in StudentWeb: Semester registration Course registration Pay the semester fee Final deadline: 1 September (Autumn semester) and 1 February (Spring semester) (Spring 2016: StudentWeb opens in early December.)
Reading room for MA students Reading room for MA students 3rd floor of P.A. Munch’s building Access with your student card Free reading desks (day-to-day basis) Normally reserved reading desks, but it will not be possible to apply for private desks for the autumn semester 2015 and spring semester 2016 Lockers: send an to
How to get a supervisor? 1st semester: Project proposal 2nd semester: Supervisor
Study Abroad? If you would like to study abroad, you should start thinking about this during your first semester. «Programme structure» «Semester abroad» Courses at another institution Information and questions: Hans Christoffer Tyldum (International Coordinator)Hans Christoffer Tyldum Fieldwork Financial support from the programme: Fieldwork ◦ East Asian Culture and History: Monica Lund HaugomMonica Lund Haugom ◦ Chinese Society and Politics EACH: Monica Lund HaugomMonica Lund Haugom ◦ Modern Japan: Hans Christoffer TyldumHans Christoffer Tyldum
AAS4900 – International Project Term in Asia and Africa 3rd semester (30 credits) You will work for a relevant institution and write a project report May or may not be directly related to your MA thesis Application deadline: February 15th/September15th) NB! Admission is limited by available openings Recently had students in Tokyo, Riyad, Tunis and New Delhi Information and application form may be found in the course description course description Contact person: Hans Christoffer TyldumHans Christoffer Tyldum
Submission deadline for MA thesis Autumn: December 1st Spring: June 1 st The thesis must be handed in by 3pm! Postponing it one semester will only be accepted after filling in the application form with confirmation from your supervisor and the presentation of a schedule.
Manage your MA studies at IKOS Manage your MA studies at IKOS Reading room Topic ideas Supervision Grants/scholarships Template Submission
Manage your studies at HF Manage your studies at HF Examination Diploma Recognition of external education Part-time studies Leave of absence Study delay
Contact persons in the administration Hans Christoffer TyldumHans Christoffer Tyldum: Student Advisor and International Coordinator Courses in Japanese (JAP-) Study abroad AAS4900 – International Project Term Programme structure Part-time studies Leave of absence Study delay Visiting hours for students: Preferably by appointment, or drop-in (if available) Office: 474 P.A. Munch (4th floor)
Contact persons in the administration Monica Lund HaugomMonica Lund Haugom: Student advisor KIN-, KOR- and EAST- courses Parallel Master’s degree – Zeijiang - UiO Programme structure Part-time studies Leave of absence Study delay Visiting hours for students: Preferably by appointment, or drop-in (if available) Office: 472 P.A. Munch (4th floor)
Parallel Master’s Degree (Chinese) UiO - Zhejiang University (ZJU) A great opportunity! Deadline: August 27 th (in 7 days!) Talk to Anna or Monica ASAP
two MA degrees: one from ZJU, one from UiO 浙大 is among the Top 10 Chinese Universities well-organized and diverse program, tailored especially for you; incl. intensive courses by Chinese and Scandinavian teachers advancing language skills and China knowledge while really studying at a Chinese university being ‘in the field’ … while not being in Beijing or Shanghai, but in …