History of Astronomy Review
Universe in 2 parts: imperfect Earth and perfect heavens – 55 spheres
Believed that the heavens were perfect; motion & shapes circles and spheres
Epicycles used to explain retrograde motion
Made repeated observations; believed the heliocentric model where sun and moon orbit earth, but all other planets orbit the sun
Aligned sunset, sunrise and moonset at solstices
Measured Earth’s radius using shadows
Celestial bodies are spheres moving around a central fire that is blocked out by a counter Earth
Planets move on elliptical paths at non- uniform velocities
Discovered moons of Jupiter, rings of Saturn, phases of Venus, sunspots
P 2 /A 3
Heliocentric universe
Every two particles of matter attract each other with a force dependent on mass and inverse square of distance
Planets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits
An object remains in motion or at rest unless acted upon by an outside force
A planet sweeps out equal areas in equal amounts of time
The extent to which an ellipse is stretched
Amount of light reflected from the surface of a planet