Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Robinson & Associates, Inc. Indianapolis, IN Ken Sobbe City of Lafayette, IN Columbian Park Reservoir Residual Chlorine Monitor
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Application Details The City of Lafayette has several towers and reservoirs used for storage. They are familiar with and have used ProMinent’s D1C and DMT analyzers for Free and Total Chlorine and Fluoride. The Columbian Park Reservoir is a large, shallow covered reservoir located in the City. The reservoir and pumping station are unmanned and the Plant wanted to be able to monitor Total Cl2 levels and transmit the data to the main Canal St. Treatment Facility.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Problem/Opportunity The D1C unit would need to be wall or bridge mounted above the reservoir. There was no way to tap an exiting line out of the reservoir to obtain a pressurized flow to the D1C unit It was necessary to provide a reliable source of sample water (10 gph, less than 14 psi) to the D1C package
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Proposed ProMinent Solution A standard D1C Total Cl2 package was purchased from ProMinent. A Stenner peristalic tube pump (Model 170FLA5A1S) and a pressure reducing valve were mounted with suction and discharge tubing to the panel to complete the package. The Stenner pump is rated 7 25 psi and has a 25’ suction lift capability.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Proposed ProMinent Solution