Bones – Test Review. 5 functions of bones: Protection – examples: skull, ribs Support – for internal organs Storage – of minerals (esp. Ca, P) Movement.


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Presentation transcript:

Bones – Test Review

5 functions of bones: Protection – examples: skull, ribs Support – for internal organs Storage – of minerals (esp. Ca, P) Movement – by muscles pulling on bones Hematopoiesis – blood cell formation (RBC)

2 subdivisions of the skeletal system Axial skeleton – skull, thorax, vertebrae Appendicular skeleton – limbs, girdles

4 Classifications of bones Long – Ex. Upper and lower limbs Short – Ex. Carpals and tarsals Flat – Ex. Ribs, sternum, skull, scapulae Irregular – Ex. Vertebrae, facial

Parts of a Long Bone Epiphysis – ends of long bones Diaphysis – shaft part of bone for length Periosteum – wraps around diaphysis Sharpey’s fibers – used to secure periosteum to diaphysis

Spongy vs. Compact Bone Spongy bone – found on epiphysis  Small needle-like pieces of bone  Many open spaces Compact bone - Dense and smooth

Microanatomy of Bone Osteons (Haversian system) Central (Haversian) Canals Lamellae – Rings around the central canal Canaliculi – Tiny canals Lacunae - Cavities containing bone cells

Bone Formation, Growth, Remodeling Bone Formation  In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage  During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone  Cartilage remains in isolated areas  Bridge of the nose  Parts of ribs  Joints Bone Growth and Remodeling Cartilage is broken down, bone replaces cartilage, epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bones during childhood  Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops  Bones change shape somewhat  Bones grow in width

PTH / Calcitonin

Bone Cells Osteocytes – mature bone cells Osteoclasts – breakdown bone Osteoblasts – build bone Hyaline cartilage is most abundant cartilage

Bones of the Cranium (skull) Cranium bones Frontal bone Temporal bone Occipital bone Parietal bone Diagram

Bones of the skull – facial bones Facial bones Zygomatic Nasal Maxilla Lacrimal Sphenoid Mandible Diagram

Bone Markings (skull) Foramen magnum – on occipital bone Styloid process – temporal bone Mastoid process – temporal bone Zygomatic process – temporal bone

Sutures of the skull Sagittal suture Coronal suture Squamous suture Lambdoid suture

Fractures Treatment is reduction open or closed Types of fractures: Simple Compound Comminuted Impacted Epiphyseal Greenstick Osteomyelitis (problem)

Fracture Healing Process Healing – Hematoma – Fibrocartilaginous callus – Bony calllus – Remodeling by osteoclasts/osteoblasts

Pectoral Girdle (bones, joints) Clavicle, Scapula make up the girdle Joints: S/C (sternoclavicular) A/C (acromioclavicluar) - separation Glenohumeral joint - dislocation Glenoid of the scapula Coracoid process

Bone of the Arm Humerus Head of the humerus (proximal) articulates with the glenoid of the scapula Distal: condyle, trochlea, capitulum to help form the elbow joint Fossa – Ant. Coronoid fossa Post. Olecranon fossa Deltoid tuberosity – for the deltoid muscle

Bones of the Forearm Radius Ulna

Humerus Anatomical Neck – site of fractures Interosseous membrane Surgical neck

Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges Carpals – 8 bones of the wrist Metacarpals – 5 bones of the hand (knuckles) Phalanges – 14 bones of the fingers

Pelvic Girdle Bones – fusion of ilium, ischium, and pubis Together they make the coxal (hip) bone They all meet together at the acetabulum Locate the pubic symphysis and the obturator foramen

Bones of the Thigh and Leg Thigh – head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum superiorly and inferiorly at the knee with the tibia/fibula Longest, strongest bone in the body Bones of the leg - Tibia/fibula Tibia bears the weight of the leg; fibula is non- weight bearing Distal end of tibia is medial malleolus and lateral malleolus is the distal end of the fibula

Arches of the Foot