Basal and Meal Time Insulin Case Study Davida F. Kruger, MSN,APN-BC,BC-ADM Certified Nurse Practitioner Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Bone and Mineral Disorders Henry Ford Health System Detroit, Michigan What I plan to do in this presentation is share our experiences in developing a different model of diabetes care delivery, using diabetes educators as care providers to a population of pts w/ poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. This is not necessarily a new or unique process, as we will discover during the presentation. This model gave diabetes educators the opportunity and responsibility of managing the care of pts under delegated prescribing authority from supervising senior staff physicians in our System. 1
Betty 56 years old Weight 182 lbs, b/p 136/82 Metformin 100omg BID glyburide 10 mg BID MNT, working on portion size and learning carb counting SMBG, usually twice daily but has been checking when feels low or high Wants to improve her A1c which has been running between 7.8 and 8.4.
Fix The Fasting First B L S HS Saturday 198 156 Sunday 176 168 199 Monday 184 170 179
Basal Insulin Replacement Therapy Normal Insulin Secretion at Meal Time Insulin Glargine/Detemir NPH Insulin Change in Serum insulin . s.c. injection Time (hours) 4
Start a Basal Insulin “Treat to Target” Continue oral agent(s) at same dosage Do NOT stop insulin secreting agent Add single, evening insulin dose (0.1 - 0.2 U/kg) 10 - 20 units Glargine, Detemir or NPH (bedtime) Increase insulin dose every 3-4 days as needed Increase 3 - 5 U if FBG >150 mg/dL Increase 1 - 2 U if FBG = >110,<150 mg/dL Treat to target FBG (usually <120 mg/dL) Determine maximum insulin increase till call clinic 6-59 5
Starting Basal Insulin Started Betty on 10 units at 10 PM of Glargine. Focus on fasting blood glucose Increase 1-2 units every 3 days until FBS at target with out hypoglycemia Can us 3/0/3 rule Ask patient their comfort level Call clinic when patient taking XX units
Glargine Started… Is Premeal Coverage Needed? B pre 2 hr post L S M 16u G 109 188 142 200 155 189 Tu 116 135 118 177 179 202 W 120 154 132 167 162 190 Th 97 127 122 211
Betty Taking 30 units of glargine No issues with low blood glucose Working on learning carbohydrate counting and portion sizes Blood glucose monitoring increased to look at 2 hr post prandial blood glucose A1c 8.2 %
PPG Contributes to 50% or More of Overall A1C When A1C Is 8.4 or Below The choice of an initial insulin needs to be based on the pt’s curent state of glucose control. This slides illustarates that when glycemic control is poor, correcting the fasting blood glucose would be the bettr strategy. However, as A1c’s improve, and fall below 8.4%, then PPG becomes more significant PPG Contributes to 50% or More of Overall A1C When A1C Is 8.4 or Below In the past, the belief was that A1C levels were primarily dependent on FPG However, postprandial hyperglycemia also is an important component of generating A1C Postprandial glycemic excursions become more predominant in patients with good control of fasting plasma glucose. Therefore, treatment should focus on both FPG and PPG excursions to reach and maintain A1C targets. Key words: Diagnosis Total glucose control A1C FPG PPG Postprandial glucose Adapted from Monnier L, Lapinski H, Collette C. Contributions of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose increments to the overall diurnal hyperglycemia of Type 2 diabetic patients: variations with increasing levels of HBA(1c). Diabetes Care. 2003;26:881–885. 9
Bolus Insulin Replacement Therapy Normal Insulin Secretion at Meal Time Rapid-acting Analogue Regular insulin Change in Serum insulin . s.c. injection Time (hours) Apidra Humalog Novolog 10
Basal-Bolus Insulin Therapy: Insulin Glargine at HS and Mealtime Lispro or Aspart Insulin Effect Slide 61 Basal-Bolus Insulin Therapy: Insulin Glargine at HS and Mealtime Lispro or Aspart The slide depicts the profile of a “basal-bolus insulin” regimen, with insulin glargine at bedtime (HS) providing the basal component and prandial insulin lispro or insulin aspart providing the bolus component This regimen affords the following advantages: Provides flexibility for varying dietary habits Less risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia due to the 24-hour near-constant effect of insulin glargine, making it an ideal basal insulin Less risk of between-meal hypoglycemic episodes due to the short duration of the rapid-acting insulin analogs, which may also provide insulin coverage for snacks or extra meals with additional injections Avoidance of mixing different insulin preparations in the same syringe as single insulins are administered with each injection. Insulin pens are suggested for maximal convenience and accuracy in dosing 1. Leahy J. In: Leahy J, Cefalu W, eds. Insulin Therapy. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 2002:87 B L D HS Insulin lispro or aspart Insulin glargine Adapted with permission from Leahy J. In: Leahy J, Cefalu W, eds. Insulin Therapy. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc.; 2002:87 11
Traditional “Sliding Scale” An arbitrary insulin dosing algorithm based only on pre-meal blood glucose values Pre-Meal BG (mg/dl) Insulin Dose (units) Less than 151 151-200 2 201-250 4 251-300 6 301-350 8 351-400 10 12
Adjusting meal insulin Sliding scale not specific to patient needs Not flexible for carbohydrate in meals Breakfast meal may need more insulin –hormonal influence No meal insulin if less than 100mg/dl?? Use of correction insulin??
Starting Meal Time Insulin Stop insulin secreting agent Add Bolus insulin before meals (REG or analog). Do not need to do all meals at once, look at patterns, fix what is broken first For all meals Add 10 units and redistribute total dose 50/50 Pt taking 30 units Lantus already Add 10 units to a new total dose of 40 units 50% will be new basal (20 units) 50% in divided doses will be the meal time bolus (i.e. 7/6/7) Carb counting and correction factors BG checks a must! Do not know where going SAFETY 14
Total Daily Insulin Total daily insulin requirement is calculated by body weight T1: need about 0.6 units/kg (range 0.4 - 0.8) T2: need about 1.2 units/kg (range 1 – 1.4) BGs at goal without hypoglycemia. 40-50% basal (background) 50-60% bolus (meal doses) 15
Calculating “Basal–Bolus” Insulin Calculate TDD T1: need about 0.6 units/kg (range 0.4-0.8) T2: need about 1.2 units/kg (range 1 – 1.4) Basal dose: 40 – 50% of TDD Bolus dose: 50-60% of TDD: Divide equally for three meals OR Sensitivity Factor = 1700/TDD 1 unit will drop BG by XX points Carbohydrate Ratio = 500/TDD 1 unit for every XX gm carbs (Pt BG – target) / (SF) = CORRECTION Now add carb ratio for meal. 16
For Example 250 pound T2DM (114 kg) Calculated TDD: 114 x 1.2 = 137 u/day Basal Dose: 68 units a day (50% of TDD) Bolus Dose: (other 50% of TDD) Isocaloric meals: 68/3 = 23 units before each meal Carbohydrate ratio: 500/137 = 3 1 unit for every 3 grams of carbs Insulin Sensitivity: 1700/137 = 12 1 unit will lower BG 12 mg/dL 17
What’s the dose range? Type 2: 0.3 to 1.2 units/kg “Thin type 2’s” are more insulin deficient “Heavy type 2’s” are more insulin resistant Most pts with T2DM need insulin doses of 1 to 1.2 units/kg to achieve an A1c <7% (basal dose of 0.5 to 0.6 units/kg per day) 18
Hypoglycemia Most common side effect of insulin therapy Glucose levels less than 70 mg/dl are treated Symptoms of hypo are treated regardless of glucose level Usual treatment is 15 gm glucose/ wait 15 min and repeat if needed ( Rule of 15/15)
Hypo Treatment Liquid glucose preferred to solid Orange juice is better than a piece of cake Simpler forms of sugar are better than sugars with fat Jelly beans are better than chocolate All patients need to carry on them a hypoglycemic treatment at all times
Know What Insulin is Working Testing Times AM (fasting) indicates action of evening basal or intermediate insulin Pre- lunch indicates action of AM short acting Pre-supper ………………….pre lunch short acting HS……………………pre-supper short acting
Carb Counting Referral to dietitian Flexible and adaptable Meal specific Provide web sites and carb counting books Read labels
Betty: Book knowledge and the patient before you Weight 182 lbs/83 kg Will need up to 1-1.4 units per kg/body weight Go low and slow, use blood glucose to direct Figure dose needed then decide on which meal (s) Look at A1c to help guide Basal Insulin now30 units at 10 PM, FBS are well controlled, concentrate on 2 hour pp Prevent hypoglycemia
Betty: Continued Basal insulin 30 units 1 unit per kg/body weight is 83 units TDD 53 units/3 meals is 18 units per meal Start with breakfast and dinner, add lunch as needed, if no breakfast, add at lunch and dinner OR Carb counting and sensitivity factor: 500 ./. 83 = 6 1 unit to cover 6 grams carb 1700 ./. 83 = 20 1 unit of insulin to drop 20mg/dl Blood glucose goal is 100mg/dl before meals
Example Insulin Sensitivity Blood glucose before meal is 180mg/dl Goal is 100mg/dl 180-100 = 80 (correct for) 80 ./. 20 = 4 units (insulin sensitivity) Carb Coverage Dinner meal: 2 Hambugers, 2 rolls, ½ cup applesauce, ½ cup green beans, ½ cup corn Approx 60 grams of carb 1 unit covers 6 grams of carb = 6 units of meal time unsulin Total for this meal: 10 units meal time insulin
Pearls Once insulin sensitivity and carb ratios determined not as difficulty as it may appear When patients consume less and blood glucose improve less risk of hypoglycemia Blood glucose monitoring is key Consider Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring as an aid Lack of understanding of Nutrition is often what prevents patients from getting to treatment goals Insulin dosing is a moving target……..