Wimberley Market Days Site Addressing and Management Analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

Wimberley Market Days Site Addressing and Management Analysis

Wimberley Market Days: - Held 1 st Saturday of every Month - 2 nd Largest Flea Market in Texas - Generates capital for Texas Lions Camp

Purpose of Project: - Revise current booth Numbering System into a user-friendly, easily-identifiable classification system. - Create maps that will enhance the efficiency of vendor intake and processing

Scope: - The property for Wimberley Market Days is approximately 12.3 acres - There are 475 vendor booths plus 6 concession booths - Other buildings include the pavilion and the main office - 3 gates allow access to the property

Data: The Wimberley Lions Club has provided: Base map (.dwg) Booth attributes (.xls) Various check-in spreadsheets (.xls) GeoGurus will collect: Aerial Imagery Global Positioning System (GPS) Data Vendor Booth Attribute Information

Methodology: - Conceive a rational index/address system for the enumeration of vendor booths codified into regions or neighborhoods - Collect GPS data - Convert CAD file (.dwg) to ArcGIS and georeference to aerial imagery with GPS

Methodology, cont.: - Conduct site survey(s) to establish Functional knowledge of the area -Develop a series of maps (static and dynamic) using ArcGIS and other graphic applications

Implications: Developing a new index/address system will: -Assist Lions Club volunteers and customers to better orient themselves within the market and reach specific destinations in less time. -Facilitate emergency services, such as ambulances or fire services, when needed on site. -Improve the overall Market Day experience.

Implications, cont.: The dynamic maps will: -Readily display booth availability. -Permit rapid identification of booth attributes to vendors.

Budget: Data collection total $1,848 Data Analysis Total $7,252 System Management (Labor) $5, Equipment Costs (10 weeks) $15, Data $8, Travel Expenses ($.40 per mile) $ Total Costs $40,116.34

Timetable: FebruaryMarchApril The Week Ending On Task Data Collection XX Analysis/Database Design XXXXXXXX Website Development XXXX Database Implementation XXXX

Final Deliverables: - Final report – 2 Hard copies - Data CD including: -Maps -Dynamic Mapping System - All Data and metadata -readme file of instructions -Report -Poster - PowerPoint presentation

Conclusion: -Establishing a new addressing system for Wimberley Market Days will increase the efficiency of the Lions Club management. -The addressing system will help direct Markets Days staff, vendors and customers throughout the site. -The dynamic maps will assist Market Days staff in the day vendor check-in process. - The implementation of these final products can be built upon in the future should Market Days expand or alter either their site or management.

Participation: Patrick Wild – Data, Methodology, Final Deliverables, Conclusion Jessica Spangler – Summary, Scope, Implications, Final Deliverables Brad Smilgin – Logo, Purpose, Scope, Final deliverables Jonathan Flores – Summary, Methodology, Timetable, Final Deliverables Dennis Wilson – Budget, Final Deliverables