Background Recruitment of other partners Formation of writing work group ◦ Face-to-face meeting Monthly calls—NHO 2020 Coalition Feedback from HC 2020 Survey and ACHA 2010 Annual Meeting Compromising/Collaborating/Hard decisions Final Product ◦ Web-based (flexibility) ◦ Data-sources
What is the Problem?
What is a Problem? ◦ The problem occurs frequently. (frequency) ◦ The problem has lasted for a while. (duration) ◦ The problem affects many students. (scope, or range) ◦ The problem is disturbing, and possibly intense. (severity) (It disrupts personal or community life.) ◦ The problem deprives students of legal or moral rights. (legality) ◦ The problem is perceived as a problem. (perception) Healthy People 2020 > Implementation > Assess > Community Toolbox > Chapter 3, Section 5 Analyzing Community Problems (
A high number of students have some conditions A high number of those students have academics adversely impacted by those conditions Conditions adversely affecting academics to select for objectives 1.Stress (see next slide: 71% horizontal axis, 38% vertical axis, 27% of all students) 2.Cold/Flu/Sore throat (55%, 33%, 17%) 3.Sleep (51%, 39%, 19%) 4.Work (46%, 30%, 13%) 5.Anxiety (43%, 43%, 19%) 6.Internet use/computer games (39%, 31%, 12%) 7.Depression (25%, 47%,11%) 8.Concern for troubled friend or family member (37%, 30%, 11%) 9.Relationship difficulties (35%, 32%, 11%) 10.Participation in extracurricular activities (38%, 24%, 9%)
Percent experienced the condition Percent who experienced with academics adversely affected
Health Communication/Health Information Technology (11 objectives) Injury and Violence Prevention (9 objectives) Mental Health and Mental Disorders ◦ (3 objectives) Nutrition and Weight Status (3 objectives) Physical Activity/Fitness (2 objectives) STD and HIV (10 objectives) Family Planning (3 objectives)
Substance Abuse (6 objectives) Tobacco Use (3 objectives) Immunization and Infectious Diseases ◦ (7 objectives) Primary Sources for Data: ◦ ACHA-NCHA ◦ ACHA Pap and STI Survey ◦ Core Alcohol and Other Drug Survey ◦ Monitoring the Future
Identify “faculty/staff” objectives chosen from selected topic areas: ◦ Significant committee input on topics for inclusion ◦ Based on “3-4-50” principle ◦ Maintain adherence to ability to assess through accessible data ◦ Consideration of “developmental objectives” ◦ Initial topic inclusion with idea of future additions (dynamic document)
Nutrition and Weight Status (11 objectives) Physical Activity/Fitness (5 objectives) Stress Management (2 objectives) Tobacco Use (3 objectives) Sources for Data: National Health Information Survey National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Quality of Worklife Module (potential source)
Michelle Burcin - Cynthia Burwell - Jim Grizzell - George Brown – Bob Ward -