Coordination of Common Modeling Infrastructure Cecelia DeLuca WGCM/WMP Meeting, Exeter, UK Oct 6, 2005 Climate Data Assimilation Weather
Outline What is ESMF? How Do ESMF and PRISM Differ? Why Do ESMF and PRISM Differ? Can ESMF and PRISM Be Usefully Combined? Model Metadata and Earth System Curator How Can WMP Help?
ESMF Background Three linked proposals were funded by NASA ESTO in 2002: 1.Core framework (Killeen/NCAR) 2.Modeling applications (Marshall/MIT) 3.Data assimilation applications (da Silva/NASA GSFC) Original ESMF applications: NOAA GFDL atmospheres NOAA GFDL MOM4 ocean NOAA NCEP atmosphere, analyses NASA GMAO models and GEOS-5 NASA/COLA Poseidon ocean LANL POP ocean and CICE NCAR WRF NCAR CCSM MITgcm atmosphere and ocean ESMF grew out of the now defunct Common Modeling Infrastructure Working Group, which involved many operational and research centers in the U.S. (Steve Zebiak and Robert Dickenson chairs).
New ESMF-Based Programs Funding for Science, Adoption, and Core Development Modeling, Analysis and Prediction Program for Climate Variability and Change Sponsor: NASA Partners: University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Maryland, Duke University, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Langley, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Portland State University, University of North Dakota, Johns Hopkins University, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, University of Wisconsin, Harvard University, more The NASA Modeling, Analysis and Prediction Program will develop an ESMF-based modeling and analysis environment to study climate variability and change. Battlespace Environments Institute Sponsor: Department of Defense Partners: DoD Naval Research Laboratory, DoD Fleet Numerical, DoD Army ERDC, DoD Air Force Air Force Weather Agency The Battlespace Environments Institute is developing integrated Earth and space forecasting systems that use ESMF as a standard for component coupling. Integrated Dynamics through Earth’s Atmosphere and Space Weather Initiatives Sponsors: NASA, NSF Partners: University of Michigan/SWMF, Boston University/CISM, University of Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA CIRES ESMF developers are working with the University of Michigan and others to develop the capability to couple together Earth and space software components. Spanning the Gap Between Models and Datasets: Earth System Curator Sponsor: NSF Partners: Princeton University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PCMDI, NOAA GFDL, NOAA PMEL, DOE ESG The ESMF team is working with data specialists to create an end-to-end knowledge environment that encompasses data services and models.
What is ESMF? ESMF provides tools for turning model codes into components with standard interfaces and standard drivers. ESMF provides data structures and common utilities that components use for routine services such as data communications, regridding, time management, configuration, and message logging. Outputs and outcomes … Open-source, collaboratively developed software utilities and coupling interfaces, exhaustive test suite, documentation, support and training. A federation of geophysical components that can be assembled in multiple ways, using different drivers and different couplers. A Earth science organization that has focused interactions at many levels: software engineer and support scientist, technical and scientific manager, scientist, director, sponsor. An extended community with strong connections and many diverse science options.
Each box is a user-written ESMF component Every component has a standard interface so that it is (technically) swappable Data in and out of components are packaged as state types with user-defined fields New components can easily be added to the hierarchical system Many different structures can be assembled by switching the tree around ESMF Components and Couplers Application Example: GEOS-5 AGCM
But! I It is possible to do a “wrap” of an existing model with ESMF, without needing to change internal data structures, by just creating one Component box This is generally lightweight in terms of performance Users can choose to use all of ESMF or just some of it Measures overhead of ESMF superstructure in NCEP Spectral Statistical Analysis (SSI), ~1% overall Run on NCAR IBM Runs done by JPL staff, confirmed by NCEP developers
ESMF Development Status Concurrent or sequential execution, single or multiple executable Support for configuring ensembles Logically rectangular grids with regular and arbitrary distributions can be represented and regular distributions can be regridded On-line parallel regridding (bilinear, 1 st order conservative) implemented and optimized Other parallel methods - e.g. halo, redistribution, low-level comms implemented Utilities such as time manager, logging, and configuration manager usable and adding features Fortran interfaces and complete documentation, some C++ interfaces ESMF software is not yet a hardened, out-of-the-box solution
ESMF Platform Support IBM AIX (32 and 64 bit addressing) SGI IRIX64 (32 and 64 bit addressing) SGI Altix (64 bit addressing) Cray X1 (64 bit addressing) Compaq OSF1 (64 bit addressing) Linux Intel (32 and 64 bit addressing, with mpich and lam) Linux PGI (32 and 64 bit addressing, with mpich) Linux NAG (32 bit addressing, with mpich) Linux Absoft (32 bit addressing, with mpich) Linux Lahey (32 bit addressing, with mpich) Mac OS X with xlf (32 bit addressing, with lam) Mac OS X with absoft (32 bit addressing, with lam) Mac OS X with NAG (32 bit addressing, with lam) User-contributed g95 support
Current Challenges Refocus core development team Base infrastructure is complete – now need support for unstructured grids, multi-block grids with complex boundary behavior (e.g. tripole, cubed sphere), more regridding options, and constructs for data assimilation Team composition must change correspondingly Better, smarter testing – suite of 1600 unit tests, 15 system tests, 30+ examples still needs supplements Major increase in demand for customer support and training Many new requirements Commercial tool for tracking requirements (DOORS) New representative body for prioritizing development tasks (Change Review Board) Organizationally and technically, ESMF infrastructure will take another 3-5 years to mature
Run-time environment ESMF v PRISM PRISM Utility Infrastructure User Code Coupling Superstructure ESMF
Other Differences … PRISM Components are generally in separate executables Components are generally not nested Single coupler Data is transferred through put/get Data can go from anywhere to anywhere in another component Comp Coupler ESMF assim sea ice ocean land atm assim_atm atmland Seasonal Forecast coupler Components are generally in the same executable Components are often nested Multiple couplers Data is passed through states at the beginning and end of method execution
Motivation for Common Modeling Infrastructure Support for modeling workflows (e.g. job submission, version control, annotation and archival of experiments, integration with visualization and analysis tools) Model intercomparison and interchange of model components Better utilization of compute resources and performance optimization Cost effectiveness: shared, fully featured common utilities (e.g. logging, timing, regridding, calendars, I/O, parallelization tools) Systematic internal architecture of multi-component models, support for many different drivers and configurations ESMF PRISM
Why Do ESMF and PRISM Differ? For both ESMF and PRISM, overall design was decided by a large group of experienced modelers… so how did the two efforts wind up with such different solutions? PRISM single-driver approach leads to greater effective interoperability for a constrained (climate) domain ESMF approach leads to limited interoperability for a broader set of domains: climate, weather, space weather, data assimilation – support for seamless prediction Both ESMF and PRISM face similar requirements – but have taken different paths to fulfill them
Can ESMF and PRISM be Usefully Combined? ESMF can use PRISM run-time elements PRISM can use the ESMF utility layer ESMF can offer a put/get paradigm for greater flexibility ESMF components can be described using PRISM PMIOD files (XML description of model inputs/outputs and content), and ESMF data transfers expressed as PRISM put/gets, so that the same component can run in both systems (done with MOM4)
Model Metadata and Earth System Curator Earth System Curator takes the interaction of ESMF/PRISM a step further: Recognize models and datasets are described by similar metadata Develop standards for model metadata, especially in the area of grids Work with umbrella groups developing metadata standards (e.g. GO-ESSP) to integrate model and data metadata Work with groups developing ontologies (LEAD, ESML) to invest metadata standards with structure and flexibility Work with GFDL, CCSM and PCMDI to link databases that store models, experiments, and data to serve MIPs and IPCC Anticipated result: Coordinated growth of ESMF and PRISM Opportunities to develop smarter tools (e.g. compatibility, assembly) based on metadata information
How Can WMP Help? Support and promote common modeling infrastructure ◦Maintain a science-driven methodology ◦Emphasize long-term investment and continuity ◦Communicate expectations – the “plug and play” myth Support and promote efforts to generate metadata standards and ontologies ◦For the interaction of ESMF and PRISM ◦For the development of a more comprehensive and useful modeling environment Help determine how to utilize infrastructure as an entry point into the broader (international) modeling community