Brookhaven Science Associates Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy BNL: Status and Future Plans in Nuclear & Particle Physics Sam Aronson, BNL High Energy & Nuclear Physics September 28, 2005
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 2 The present BNL’s current activities in nuclear and particle physics RHIC/AGS Heavy ion & spin physics, NASA space radiation NSLS CERN MINOS D-Zero Accelerator R&D – ATF and Muon Collaboration Nuclear & High Energy Theory RIKEN Center, Lattice gauge computing, Fermilab
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 3 RHIC performance Science: landmark discoveries, major impact Operations: 5 years of exceeding expectations New state of matter Opaque to strongly interacting particles Transparent to photons and leptons A nearly perfect liquid of quarks and gluons (i.e., a strongly-coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma) Appears so have its origin in a universal hadronic state called the Color Glass Condensate
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 4 The future BNL’s future NPP program builds on current program + BNL core strengths [accelerator physics, s.c. magnet R&D, instrumentation, NPP research] RHIC II & eRHIC NP ATLAS Research HEP Including heavy ionsNP Int’l Linear Collider HEP Neutrino oscillations NP & HEP LSST HEP
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 5 Current events RSVP was terminated last month Near- and mid-term future of accelerator- based HEP (BNL and US) does not look bright Performing these compelling Beyond-the-Standard- Model measurements (and others) does not look likely BNL’s significant effort on RSVP now being redirected to other priority research efforts RHIC no longer in immediate jeopardy Budget-driven review of NP facilities: RHIC did well Funds for FY’06 restored by Congress [pre-Katrina]
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 6 The future of NP at BNL: RHIC “QCD Lab” Discoveries at RHIC Compelling QCD questions: The nature of confinement The structure of quark-gluon matter above T C The low-x and spin structure of hadronic matter Compelling questions Facility evolution 10-fold increase in luminosity (to 40 x design) full energy New detector capabilities 50-fold increase in computing power applied to finite T lattice QCD: e-A and polarized e-p collisions, new detector: RHIC II eRHIC QCDOC
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 7 RHIC – achieved parameters Mode No of bunches Ions/bunch [ 9 ] * [m] Emittance [ m] L peak [cm -2 s -1 ] L store avg. [cm -2 s -1 ] L week Au-Au [Run-4] b -1 Cu-Cu [Run-5] x x nb -1 d-Au [Run-3] 55110/ nb -1 p -p [Run-5] * pb - 1 Au-Au design b -1 p -p design pb -1 [best store or week] * Blue ring avg. pol. 49%, Yellow ring avg. pol. 44% RHIC accelerated polarized protons to E beam = % pol. This year L store avg. goals (prior to e-cooling): Au-Au = 8 10 26, p -p = 65 10 70% pol.
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 8 RHIC II Luminosities with e-Cooling Linacrf Gun Buncher Cavity Cooling Solenoid (~ 30 m, ~ 1 T) Debuncher Cavity e-Beam Dump Gold beam Gold collisions (100 GeV/n x 100 GeV/n): w/o e-coolingwith e-cooling Emittance (95%) m15 3 Beta function at IR [m] 0.5 Number of bunches Bunch population [10 9 ]11 0.3 Beam-beam parameter per IR Peak luminosity [10 26 cm -2 s -1 ]3290 Average luminosity [10 26 cm -2 s -1 ]870 demonstrated by JLab for IR FEL (50 MeV, 5 mA) See talk by S. Ozaki tomorrow
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 9 eRHIC at BNL The compelling questions for eRHIC: What is the nature of confinement and of hadronization in nuclei (compared to nucleons)? What is the structure of the saturated gluon state at low x in hadrons? What is the role of spin in DIS in nucleons and nuclei? Need a precision tool to probe these fundamental and universal aspects of QCD: eRHIC 1. Collide High energy & intensity polarized e (or e + ) with A, p 2. A new detector for e-p & e-A physics E e = 10 GeV (~5-10 GeV)TO BE BUILT E p = 250 GeV (~ GeV)EXISTS E A = 100 GeV/A (~ GeV/A)EXISTS
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 10 eRHIC design concepts simpler IR design multiple IRs possible E e ~ 20 GeV possible higher luminosity possible more expensive Standard ring-ring design Alternative linac-ring design EBIS: electron beam ion source starts construction in FY2006 replaces Tandems operational advantages
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 11 RHIC priorities and challenges e-cooling – enabling technology for the RHIC luminosity upgrade and for eRHIC R&D getting funding from a variety of sources New opportunities to make it cheaper and simpler Some major hurdles for QCD Lab Convince the NP community of the science case NSAC Long Range Plan Establish priority relative to other future NP facilities Construction & operation must be affordable
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 12 The future of BNL 1. ATLAS Construction ATLAS Detector & basic software is on track for completion to meet the CERN schedule – CD-4A 9/30/05 ATLAS Research Program & Physics Analysis Support Center U.S. scientists must have the capability to perform physics analysis of ATLAS data competitively Exciting physics could emerge in the 1 st year of operation SUSY search with dileptons
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 13 ATLAS Research Program & Physics Analysis Support Center Research program managed from BNL Physics analysis support distributed between BNL, ANL, LBL Anchored at BNL (US-ATLAS Tier I computing facility)
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson International Linear Collider Ongoing effort on accelerator R&D in the Superconducting Magnet Division Direct wind technology final focus system Supported in part by BNL director’s funds Planning on increased support from ILC R&D Detector R&D Traditional strengths (calorimetry, FEE, etc.) Effort from generic detector R&D + RSVP ILC
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson Neutrinos Reactor 13 experiment under consideration BNL chemistry group already working on Gd-LS Physics group would be added Currently working in MINOS, planning for long term Effort from RSVP groups
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 16 4.Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations ~ 1 MW proton driver super beam 400 kTon detector in DUSEL Significant progress in detector performance simulations Beam & detector R&D proposals in preparation Discussions with Fermilab
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 17 5.LSST Dark Energy & Dark Matter “The committee supports the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project, which has significant promise for shedding light on dark energy.”* BNL will explore the nature of Dark Energy via weak gravitational lensing Wide, deep, frequent, multi-band imaging of the entire visible sky 3D map of the visible sky to redshift z 1 BNL is building a group to do this science *“Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos”
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 18 LSST Project Ground-based telescope 8.4m diameter f/1, 8.6 field of view DOE institutions propose to deliver the Camera BNL, Harvard, Illinois, LLNL, SLAC, UCSC, others BNL would deliver the Focal Plane Array Sensors 3 Gigapixel CCD or CMOS array BNL expertise in large Si detectors & low-noise electronics First light
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 19 Recap: BNL plan for Nuclear and Particle Physics RHIC complex: the QCD Laboratory Probes: p-p, p-A, A-A, e-p and e-A LGC with QCDOC and successors ATLAS US analysis support effort centered at BNL Accelerator R&D ILC superconducting magnet R&D and detector R&D ATF and Muon collaboration (no time to discuss here) Neutrinos Reactor-based measurement of 13 VLB oscillations CP violation [& proton decay] LSST – The nature of Dark Energy
ICFA Seminar, Daegu, Korea 2005 S. Aronson 20 Summary The science is compelling, plays to BNL’s technical strengths and aligns well with national priorities Hurdles on all time scales Budgets and priorities National panels, advisory groups, task forces RHIC, ATLAS are key – rest of the vision will come into focus over the next year