cholesteatomas Epidermoid inclusion cyst Cystic creatinin-filled mass Lined by stratified squamous epithelium Common in frontal bone and ear Cause: secondary to trauma and implanted inner table, outer table
Mucoid like content DDx with mucocele Fat content of cholestrol T1-MR signal T2 Intermediate high
Acquired cholesteatoma Expansile concentrically enlarging collection of exfoliated keratin lined by keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium Not neoplasm May or may not contain cholesterol crystals Congenital (epidermoid) 2% Acquired in middle ear 98%
Frontal chole.
Frontal chole.
Frontal chole.
Acquired: Pars flexia (attic) -> prussak`s space -> mastoid Pars tensa Acquired: Primary acquired (no infection) Secondary acquired (infection) Etiology: retraction*, papillary proliferation, immigration, metplasia
prussak`s space- pars flexida
prussak`s space- pars flexida
Petrosal cholesteatoma -> Apex
Petrosal chole. APEX
Pars tensa
Pars tensa
Pars tensa
Pars tensa and tegmental erosion
Ossicular erosion
Facial canal erosion
Acquired cholesteatoma
Acquired cholesteatoma
Acquired cholesteatoma
Auto mastoidectomy
Auto mastoidectomy
Imaging: X-ray CT bone destruction, soft tissue demo. And complications, uncommon granulation tissue MR spine-echo non-specific signal moderately Hyperintense (better for tegmen tympani and sinus) exclude facial nerve involvement GD for granulation tissue versus non-enhancing cholesteatoma
EAC chol. with no atresia
EAC chol. with no atresia
Cholesteatoma of EAC with atresia
CH. In vestibula
Boney sequestra Ossicular
Chole. In EAC
Large Chole. In EAC
Chole. In middle ear and EAC
In location of geniculate ganglion
Diffusion-weighted imaging Cholesteatoma is bright means restricted diffusion and (T2 shine through) Please be aware eddy current artifacts, susceptibility artifacts, ghosting artifacts, chemical shift and motion artifacts all are prevalent Higher magnetic fields increase potential of these artifacts in echo-planar DWI Turbo spin-echo DWI in known to limit, these distortions Multi shot fast spin-echo periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstructions (PROPELLER) DWI= enhanced detection of the lesion (and limiting artifact in high fields)
If there is no middle ear surgery positive predictive value is 93% and negative predictive value is 100% Sensitivity and specificity % DW FAST-SPIN-ECHO Factor 14 Matrix of resolution: 192 x 256 “a” “b” factor 800 second/mm2 1.5 tesla 9 sections in 2.5 mm 3’ 38” FOV= 230mm RSNA 2005
DW non-echoplanar DW of middle ear cholesteatoma differ from abscess and infected cholesteatoma AJNR DW for post-operative recurrent JU-radiology
T2 left recurrent cholesteatoma-Right granulation tissue GD T1 enhanced right-non-enhanced left DW ab factor: mm both DW ab factor: mm right left
All complications related to bone destruction (mechanical) C.O.M., vertigo, labyrinthin fistula(more morbidity) in lat. Semicircular canal (18-49) Facial nerve palsy or paresis (1%)