The Eisenhower Administration
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS EQ1: How did the spread of the Atomic Bomb change international relations? EQ2: Why did the American Economy explode to never before seen heights during this time? EQ3: How did the world change American Business and how did American Business change the world?
EISENHOWER THE REPUBLICAN Has Richard Nixon as his vice president candidate Was called to be removed from the ticket due to the charges of accepting gifts. Responded with a televised speech called the Checkers speech Turned the tide in their favor. The Republicans won the Presidency and Congress
BRINKMANSHIP After the Soviets tested their bomb, the US created the H-bomb. On 1 November 1952 Soviets in August 1953 U.S. changed policy from containment to brinkmanship Created by John Foster Dulles Willingness to use all weapons to stop the spread of communism. Now commanded by Nikita Khrushchev Used the B-52 Stratofortress (the Buff) Americans now practiced air raid drills in schools and built fallout shelters in their back yards. Created the Central Intelligence Agency.
AMERICAN SOCIETY More people are working in Corporations at “White Collar Jobs” than ever before. Corporations wanted conformity and professionalism and paid a lot for it. Conglomerates and franchises Countered by the Beat Movement Made of teens/young adults Opposed conformity through drugs and Zen Buddhism TVs begin to rise in number across America Govt. decides to regulate the new medium Movies develop 3D and color Radio becomes local to survive Rock – n – Roll was coined by Cleveland DJ Alan Freed Elvis becomes the King of Rock – n – Roll by 1954
CIVIL RIGHTS Civil Rights movement gains momentum Eisenhower Implemented E.O desegregating the military in Brown v. Board of Education – Supreme Court Case that ended segregation in schools only 1955 Rosa Parks sparks the Montgomery Bus Boycott lead by Dr. Martin Luther King jr. Formed the Southern Christian Leadership Council September 1957, Governor Orval Faubus uses the Arkansas National Guard to block 9 black school children from attending Central High School. Eisenhower calls on the 101 Airborne again only this time to open the school. Civil Rights Act of 1957 – attorney general had greater power over desegregation of schools SNCC sit – ins at Woolworth’s store in Greensboro, NC
THE POWERS MANEUVERS FOR POSITION The Warsaw Pact, was formed in 1955 to counter NATO.\ Eisenhower has South Vietnam cancel the vote of reunification Poland in June of 1956 rose up against their government in protest. November 1956 Hungary rose up against the Soviets, promised free elections, told the Soviets to leave and broke the Warsaw Pact. It was crushed
COLD WAR GOES TO SPACE By 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into orbit as the first satellite. It shocked the U.S. that it had fell behind Created NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) on 1 October 1958 Started the space race the late 1950s, the U.S. used the U-2 to spy on Soviet military installations within the U.S.S.R. Ike ordered a stoppage to U-2 flights over USSR. Dulles convinced Ike to allow one more flight On 1 May 1960, it was shot down by the Soviets – created an international incident