Colonial America By: Joseph S. I hope you like it!!! By: Joseph S. I hope you like it!!!
Founding Fathers John Hancock Signed the Declaration of Independence. John Adams was a politician who disliked British tyranny. Thomas Jefferson Wrote the declaration of Independence George Washington led the battle against Britain.
New England The New England Colonies were Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. New England was an independent region and resented British tyranny. There was not much farmland or plantation land so they didn’t need slaves and disliked the whole idea of slavery.
Middle Colonies The middle colonies were New York, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. They grew cash crops such as corn.
Southern Colonies These colonies were Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, And Virginia. Although many of our Patriots came from there, it was mostly loyalists. Lots of Farmland and plantation land so the need for slaves was great and that’s what started the civil war. But I’m getting off topic.
Slavery This practice came too America because the White people thought that the blacks were not equals, more like a possession than a person. The Southern Colonies used this practice more because of their plantations.
Jobs There were many jobs in colonial times. Of course, jobs need tools. The tools included hammer, anvil, forge, tongs, vise, chisel, file, saw, broadax, awl, mallet, plane, drawknife, rakes, hoes, and spades. There were many jobs in colonial times. Of course, jobs need tools. The tools included hammer, anvil, forge, tongs, vise, chisel, file, saw, broadax, awl, mallet, plane, drawknife, rakes, hoes, and spades.
Jobs The typical workday was eat breakfast, then eat dinner(which was our lunch) go back to work and get home for supper.
Jobs Blacksmiths made and repaired tools. Gunsmiths made guns and gunpowder. Gardeners grew food. Carpenters carved wood into tools, house material and furniture.
Music Music was made using fife and drum. The Fife was a flutelike instrument that people used for fun. The drums were the bass drum and the snare drum which still exist today. Music was made using fife and drum. The Fife was a flutelike instrument that people used for fun. The drums were the bass drum and the snare drum which still exist today.
Children Children in colonial times did not have the things that we had today. Instead they played with cards, board games, marbles, hopscotch, and ninepins.
Shelter In colonial times people lived in brick or wooden houses.
Furnishings The average colonial household would have tables, chairs, drawers, and portraits. A mans workshop
Clothing Woman would wear stockings, gown, lace, apron, silk petticoat, lace neck kerchief, shoes, and a hat.
Clothing Men would wear a waistcoat, coat, tricorner hat, breeches, stockings, shoes, wig, and would walk with a cane.
Education Reading Bibles, arithmetic, (or math) grammar, and reading the bible.
Food Corn, barley, rice, wheat, chickens, fish, whales, pigs, cows, cornbread, and bread.