Space News Update - June 13, 2011 - In the News Story 1: Story 1: NASA Spacecraft Captures Video of Asteroid Approach Story 2: Story 2: Nearby galaxy boasts.


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Presentation transcript:

Space News Update - June 13, In the News Story 1: Story 1: NASA Spacecraft Captures Video of Asteroid Approach Story 2: Story 2: Nearby galaxy boasts 2 monster black holes, both active Story 3: Story 3: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse in 11 Years Occurs Wednesday Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities Space Calendar NASA-TV Highlights Food for Thought Space Image of the Week

NASA Spacecraft Captures Video of Asteroid Approach

Nearby galaxy boasts 2 monster black holes, both active

Longest Total Lunar Eclipse in 11 Years Occurs Wednesday

The Night Sky Monday, June 13 · The thick gibbous Moon shines near the head of Scorpius this evening. Look for Antares farther to the Moon's lower left, as shown here. Tuesday, June 14 · Look for Antares to the right of the Moon, as shown here. Wednesday, June 15 · Full Moon, in Sagittarius (exactly full at 4:14 p.m. EDT). A total eclipse of the Moon is visible from Africa, Australia, much of Asia, and parts of Europe and South America. Lunar eclipse details and webcasts. Thursday, June 16 · Look rather low in the west-northwest as twilight fades to find Pollux and Castor, lined up more or less horizontally. These two "winter" stars have far outstayed their season. How much longer in June can you follow them as they sink down? Friday, June 17 · The Moon rises in the east-southeast in late evening, depending on where you are. Far to its upper left shines Altair. Farther on in the same direction are the other two stars of the Summer Triangle: Vega and lesser Deneb.

ISS Sighting Opportunities Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting InformationSatellite Sighting Information For Denver: SATELLITELOCALDURATION MAX ELEV APPROACHDEPARTURE DATE/TIME(MIN)(DEG)(DEG-DIR) ISSMon Jun 13/09:46 PM67010 above SW10 above ENE ISSMon Jun 13/11:23 PM41710 above WNW10 above NNE ISSTue Jun 14/02:37 AM< above NNW12 above N ISSTue Jun 14/04:11 AM66810 above NW12 above ESE ISSTue Jun 14/10:17 PM53210 above W12 above NE ISSWed Jun 15/03:07 AM52810 above NW10 above E ISSWed Jun 15/04:43 AM52711 above WNW10 above SSE ISSWed Jun 15/09:14 PM67810 above SW11 above NE ISSWed Jun 15/10:54 PM11414 above N10 above NNE ISSThu Jun 16/02:05 AM41710 above NNW10 above ENE ISSThu Jun 16/03:41 AM67710 above NW11 above SE ISSThu Jun 16/09:54 PM22222 above N10 above NNE ISSFri Jun 17/01:09 AM< above NNE10 above NE ISSFri Jun 17/02:41 AM44510 above NW32 above E ISSFri Jun 17/08:55 PM23737 above N10 above NE ISSFri Jun 17/10:32 PM< above N10 above NNE

NASA-TV Highlights June 14, Tuesday 10:30 a.m. - STS-135 Video B-Roll Feed - JSC(Public, HD and Media Channels) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Live Interviews with STS-135 Pilot Doug Hurley 1:30 p.m. - STS-135 Video B-Roll Feed - JSC (Public, Media and HD Channels) p.m. - Live Interviews with STS-135 Mission Specialist Rex Walheim June 15, Wednesday 1 p.m. - NASA Science News Conference : Chandra: Growing Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies in the Early Universe – HQ (Public, Media and HD Channels) 3:30 p.m. - STS-135 Video B-Roll Feed - JSC (Public, Media and HD Channels) p.m. - Live Interviews with STS-135 Commander Chris Ferguson June 16, Thursday 1 p.m. - NASA Messenger Science News Conference June 17, Friday 11:05 a.m. - ISS Expedition 28 Educational In-Flight Event with the State University of New York, Oneonta, N.Y. - JSC (All Channels) Watch NASA TV on the Net by going to NASA website.NASA website.

Space Calendar · Jun 14 - Comet 115P/Maury Closest Approach To Earth (1.311 AU) · Jun 14 - Asteroid 2011 KP16 Near-Earth Flyby (0.028 AU) · Jun 14 - Asteroid 3130 Hillary Closest Approach To Earth (1.431 AU) · Jun 15 - Total Lunar Eclipse · Jun 15 - Tian Lian 1B CZ-3C Launch · Jun 15 - Asteroid 2011 LT17 Near-Earth Flyby (0.012 AU) · Jun 15 - Asteroid 2004 LO2 Near-Earth Flyby (0.025 AU) · Jun 16 - Cassini, Orbital Trim Maneuver #286 (OTM-286) · Jun 16 - Comet 213P/Van Ness Perihelion (2.123 AU) · Jun 16 - Asteroid 8952 ODAS Closest Approach To Earth (1.415 AU) · Jun 16 - Asteroid Curly Closest Approach To Earth (1.856 AU) · Jun 16 - Asteroid Janeausten Closest Approach To Earth (2.148 AU) · Jun 17 - Asteroid 6223 Dahl Closest Approach To Earth (1.798 AU) JPL Space Calendar

Food for Thought Bigelow Space Hotel – Reservations Coming Soon!

Space Image of the Week