Genesis 4:9 Cain is asked a question by God. Genesis 4:3-8 Cain answers with a question. His response: Genesis 4:9 This is a question we should ask ourselves.


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Presentation transcript:

Genesis 4:9

Cain is asked a question by God. Genesis 4:3-8 Cain answers with a question. His response: Genesis 4:9 This is a question we should ask ourselves.

When we become a Christian, we are taught that we need to save ourselves After becoming a Christian the focus quickly turns away from ourselves to our responsibility toward others in the world and our brethren It should become clear after some study that the answer is YES Can you think of some other passages? Acts 2:40 Galatians 5:13-14 John 13:34-35

1. As Commanded by Jesus: John 15:12,17 2. As taught by Paul: Romans 13:8, 1Th 4:9 3. As instructed by Peter: 1 Peter 1:22 4. As stressed by John: 1 John 3:11

1. Receive one another: Romans 15:7 2. Edify each other: Romans 14:19 3. Serve each other: Galatians 5:13 4. Bear one anothers burdens: Galatians 6: Forgive each other: Ephesians 4:32 6. Exhort one another: Hebrews 3: Consider one another: Hebrews 10: Be hospitable: I Peter 4:8-10

When one becomes a brother do we… 1. Do we receive them into the family of God, or ignore them? o Romans 15:7 Are they properly assimilated into the family life of the congregation? Do they remain on the fringe? o IF we dont know their names, then we can be sure we are failing as our brothers keeper! 2. Do we edify them or put stumbling blocks in their way? o Romans 14:19 As individuals, are we body-builders, encouraging members? Or are we like a cancer, weakening the members of the body of Christ. By our Example, words, attitudes, etc. It was said of Philemon that he refreshed the hearts of the brethren; do people say the same of us? (Philemon 20)

Do we serve them in love, or expect them to serve us? o Galatians 5:13 Do we demonstrate hospitality to them? o I Peter 4:8-10 By visiting them in their need? By inviting them into your home? (and excepting invitations to their house)

When a brother is overtaken in a fault… o Do we even consider them? Hebrews 10:24-25 o Are we even aware of who they are? o Are we ignorant of their problems? If so, why? Maybe it is because we dont assemble enough ourselves. We may wonder about them, but that isnt sufficient. o Do they drift away with no one making an effort to reach them? Do we exhort them lest they be hardened by sin? (Hebrews 3:12- 14) o Or are we afraid to confront them for fear of running them away? IF we truly love them and approach them with humility, they are not likely to run away. If they do, they are running away from God, not you. Remember, exhortation are to be daily! Some wait too long.

Are we willing to bear their burdens? o Galatians 6:1-2 o So as to help them overcome and become stronger. o Or would we rather not be bothered? Are we quick to forgive them when they repent? o Ephesians 4:32 o Fear of not being forgiven and accepted back into family may keep some from repenting and returning to the fold. o Do we communicate a willingness to accept with open arms and offer complete forgiveness?

How we answer such questions may reveal how well or how poorly we are being our brothers keeper. We need to live up to the responsibility we have that includes all others: Love one another as Christ loved us. (John 13:34-35) If we have failed to be our brothers keeper we should… o Repent our lack of concern, inactivity, or anything else that has hindered us. o Confess our shortcomings in this area to God. o Resolve to apply with zeal what the scripture says.

Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross You must believe in Him and repent of your sins Follow what the bible says to become His child being baptized, and live your life according to Gods will. You life will then glorify your God if you continue to live faithfully. You can live with your Father in heaven for eternity. Come study with us if you would like to learn more!