I have… The Stamp Act Who has… Who has the economic system that required colonists to sell their raw materials to Britain and buy them back as finished.


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Presentation transcript:

I have… The Stamp Act Who has… Who has the economic system that required colonists to sell their raw materials to Britain and buy them back as finished goods at a higher price, all so Britain could gain power and wealth. I have… Who has… The act that taxed all paper goods and led to a colonial boycott of all paper. I have… Boycott Who has… The engraving made by Paul Revere that was sent around the colonies and caused Americans to blame British soldiers for shooting into a crowd of unarmed colonists. I have… Mercantilism Who has… The colonial means of protesting that involved refusing to use or buy a good or product. This was successful because it kept Britain from collecting taxes.

I have… The Proclamation of 1763 Who has… The slogan used by colonists to show their disagreement with taxes made by parliament but not consented to by the American colonies. I have… The Boston Massacre Who has… The law that kept colonists from crossing the Appalachian Mountains into Indian Territory and was made the western boundary of Colonial America. I have… The Boston Tea Party Who has… The event that caused Britain to impose taxes on the colonies to pay off the debt incurred. I have… Taxation without representation Who has… The act of civil disobedience when colonists protested a tax on tea by destroying British property..

I have… Patriot Who has… The group of men created by Samuel Adams that were responsible for the Boston Tea Party? I have… The French and Indian War Who has… A person living in the colonies that supported the war with Britain I have… The Quartering Act Who has… The people who were opposed to war with Britain and wanted to remain loyal to the King and mother country. I have… Sons of Liberty Who has… The act that allowed British soldiers to live in colonial homes and required colonists to provide food, shelter, and material to troops.

I have… King George III Who has… The British governing body responsible for passing laws and taxes that were disputed by colonists I have… Loyalists Who has… the King of England during the American Revolution. I have… John Locke Who has… the colonial action of that Britain was trying to stop when they issued the Sugar Act. I have… British Parliament Who has… The enlightenment thinker that said that the purpose of the government is to protect individual freedom and property. That when it doesn’t the people have the right to overthrow the government.

I have… Shutting down Boston Harbor Who has… The abuse of power. A name commonly given to King George III when colonists accused him of being unfair. I have… Smuggling Who has… The British response to the Boston Tea Party that the colonists name “The Intolerable Act”. I have… Thomas Paine Who has… The battles that started the American Revolution when British soldiers attacked colonial minutemen on their way to take the weapons and ammunition collected by the colonists. I have… Tyranny/Tyrant Who has… The writer of Common Sense. A man that encouraged colonists to fight for independence.

I have… Treaty of Paris 1763 Who has… The act that prevented colonists from trading directly with other countries. This was part of the triangular trade I have… Lexington and Concord Who has… The document signed by the British and French to end the French and Indian War. I have… New England Who has… I have… Navigation Acts Who has… The colonial region in which most of the disputes took place prior to the start of the Revolution.