配送系統實務 梅明德 龍華科大工管系
配送系統總論 配送系統的組成 配送系統的範圍 配送系統的特性
配送系統的組成 運輸工具 ( 類型 ) 貨物 人員 網路
配送系統的範圍 地區性 國內 國際 全球分工
配送系統的特性 與物流的關係 與運輸的關係 與供應鏈的關係
Transportation Modes Trucks TL LTL Rail Carload Intermodal Air Package Carriers Water Pipeline
Truckload (TL) Average revenue per ton mile (1996) = 9.13 cents Average haul = 274 miles Average Capacity = 42, ,000 lb. Low fixed and variable costs Major Issues Utilization Consistent service Backhauls
Less Than Truckload (LTL) Average revenue per ton-mile (1996) = cents Average haul = 646 miles Higher fixed costs (terminals) and low variable costs Major Issues Location of consolidation facilities Utilization Vehicle routing Customer service
Rail Average revenue / ton-mile (1996) = 2.5 cents Average haul = 720 miles Average load = 80 tons Key Issues Scheduling to minimize delays / improve service Off track delays (at pick up and delivery end) Yard operations Variability of delivery times
Air Key Issues Location/Number of hubs Location of fleet bases / crew bases Schedule optimization Fleet assignment Crew scheduling Yield management
Transportation System Design AC Delco: Very high value low volume parts Three plants: Milwaukee, Kokomo, Matamoros 21 assembly plants (customers for above plants) What are the distribution options? Which one to select? On what basis?
All Shipments Direct Milwaukee Kokomo Matamoros TransportInventory Full Load Optimal $2.0 Million$17.5 Million $4.0 Million$5.6 Million
The Role of Transportation in Logistics 運輸在物流中的角色定位 Transportation is the physical link connecting the firm to its suppliers and customers. 運輸是連接公 司與其供應商或顧客的實體連線。 In a nodes and links scenario, transportation is the link between fixed facilities (nodes). 以點線來看, 運輸是固定設施之間的連接線 Transportation also adds value to the product by providing time and place utility for the firm’s goods. 運輸為產品增加價值 : 時間與空間效用
The Role of Transportation in Logistics As firms engage in global competition, transportation costs are becoming even more significant. In 1999, U.S. firms spent an estimated $554 billion to move freight, or 9.9% of the GNP 1 ; this is up from 397 billion, or 6.3% of the GDP in 1993.
The Role of Transportation in Logistics In 1999, as a percentage of sales, transportation was 3.24%, warehousing 1.84%, customer service 0.48%, administration 0.38%, and carrying cost 1.52%. Outbound transportation was clearly the largest component of total physical distribution costs. Cost trade-offs abound in transportation and are typified by trading lower inventory costs for higher transportation costs.
The Basic Modes of Transportation The basic modes available to the logistics manager are rail, motor, water, pipeline, and air. Distribution of ton-miles* for the various modes is outlined in Table 9-1. *(a ton-mile is one ton of cargo carried one mile, and is a standard statistical measurement used in the transportation industry).
Table 9-1 Modal Distribution of Ton-Miles
Table 9-2:Performance Rating of Modes Selection Determinant s Railroa dMotor Modes WaterAirPipeline Cost Transit time Reliability Capability Accessibility Security
商用運輸系統智慧化整體發展 架構與推動策略之規劃 著者:王國材、 陳偉業 林繼國、陳其 華 出版機關:交 通部運輸研究 所 出版年月:中 華民國九十一 年八月