Rebecca Lent Special Advisor World Bank. Overview Importance of international trade in seafood Import measures related to: Seafood safety Ecological sustainability.


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Presentation transcript:

Rebecca Lent Special Advisor World Bank

Overview Importance of international trade in seafood Import measures related to: Seafood safety Ecological sustainability IUU fishing WTO: Focus on subsidies Outlook

International Trade in Seafood World’s most heavily traded food commodity Nearly 40% of all seafood traded Trade and global processing centers Increasing trend in south-to-north

Heavy dependence on imports Increasing concern about food safety overall Some countries requiring certificates/on-site inspection Role of voluntary inspection Ensuring no technical barriers to trade – shifts burden to exporting country Import measures: Seafood Safety

Recent examples Canada – animal health regulations limit some live/uneviscerated fish China – information requirements for wild and farmed salmon Korea – prior listing for producers of fish heads, fish entrails, roe and squid ink gland Multiple countries: requirement of certificates for seafood inspection

Import measures: Ecological sustainability Ensuring that import demand is not a driver in unsustainable ecological impacts of fishing Most common for private certification/ecolabels, e.g. Marine Stewardship Council Some unilateral measures: U.S. – Shark fishery management and marine mammal bycatch Japan – working with seafood importers

Import measures: IUU fishing Concern that import markets may be drivers of IUU Japan – working with importers United States – biennial report to Congress identifying and certifying countries for IUU European union – IUU catch certificate requirement and related activities RFMOs – restrictions on imports for flag states based on IUU fishing

World Trade Organization Focus on role of subsidies Two-fold motivation: Leveling the playing field Subsidies vs. overcapitalization/overfishing Negotiations on “disciplines” to avoid subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing

Outlook Increased scrutiny on marine stewardship Retailers may be key National, multilateral and global efforts Reminder Global Partnership for Oceans

Thank you! Rebecca.Lent