Lesson Four The House of Omri 1 Kings 16:21-18:26.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Four The House of Omri 1 Kings 16:21-18:26

Northern Kingdom

Jeroboam ( ) – Nadab ( ) Baasha ( ) – Elah ( ) Zimri - (885) Omri - ( ) – Ahab ( ) – Ahaziah ( ) – Jehoram ( ) Kings of the Northern Kingdom Jehu ( ) – Jehoahaz ( ) – Jehoash ( ) – Jeroboam II ( ) – Zechariah ( ) Shallum (752) Menahem ( ) – Pekahiah ( ) Pekah ( ) Hoshea ( )

Jeroboam ( ) Nadab ( ) Baasha ( ) Elah ( ) Zimri (885) Rehoboam ( ) Abijah ( ) Asa ( )

Omri ( ) Ahab ( ) Ahaziah ( ) Jehoram ( ) Zimri (885) Jehu ( ) Asa ( ) Jehoshaphat ( ) Jehoram ( ) Ahaziah (841)

Lesson Four Study Questions How many verses are devoted to the story of Omri? Question # 1

The story of Omri is recorded in 1 Kings 16: Actually, not even all of that material is devoted to the acts of Omri. The interesting thing about this is that, among the kings of Israel, Omri was more noted by other nations. Yet the Bible says very little about him beyond the facts that he walked in the sin of Jeroboam and was worse than the kings before him (vs ). Continued on next slide

Jeroboam ( ) – Nadab ( ) Baasha ( ) – Elah ( ) Zimri - (885) Omri - ( ) – Ahab ( ) – Ahaziah ( ) – Jehoram ( ) Kings of the Northern Kingdom

What well-known city did Omri build? Question # 2 Lesson Four Study Questions

Omri began his reign in Tirzah. In the middle of his twelve-year reign, He bought a hill from Shemer and built the city of Samaria on that hill. Samaria would remain the capital of the northern kingdom for the rest of its duration.

What was the result of Ahabs marriage with Jezebel? Question # 3 Lesson Four Study Questions

Jezebel was the daughter of a Sidonian king, Ethbaal, and was a worshipper of Baal. Ahab followed in the footsteps of his father Omri and did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all who were before him (vs. 30, 33). He built a temple to Baal in Samaria and set up an altar there where he worshipped the Phoenician god. He also set up a wooden image; this image was somehow connected to the Canaanite goddess Asherah.

Where and under what circumstances did Elijah stay during the drought in Israel? Question # 4 Lesson Four Study Questions

Elijah announced to Ahab that there would be a drought in Israel (1 Kings 17:1) and then went to the Brook Cherith, evidently a wadi of uncertain location. Suggested locations place the wadi about five miles north of the entrance of the Jordan River into the Dead Sea where it (the wadi) flows into the Jordan River (17:5). While staying at the Brook Cherith, Elijah was supplied food (meat and bread) twice a day by ravens. When the wadi dried up, Elijah was commanded by the Lord to go to Zarephath, a city under the control of the Phoenician city of Sidon. While he stayed in Zarephath, he lived with a poor widow.

Who was Obadiah and what had he done because of his fear of the Lord? Question # 5 Lesson Four Study Questions

Obadiah was in charge of king Ahab's house. It is curious how he could be a faithful servant of God while manager of Ahab's house and yet not be detected. Jezebel was killing the prophets of God, yet a fearer of God was high in the Ahab administration! Obadiah's fear of the Lord caused him to hide one hundred prophets of God in two caves to protect them from Jezebel. In the midst of a drought and the accompanying difficulties, he provided these prophets with bread and water. continued

Obadiah was familiar with Elijah and recognized him by sight (1 Kings 18:7). He also expected that Elijah would know of his benevolence toward the prophets of God (18:13).

Why did Elijah let the prophets of Baal offer their sacrifices first? Question # 6 Lesson Four Study Questions

By allowing the prophets of Baal to offer their sacrifice first, Elijah showed the failure of Baal to answer his worshippers. The answer of Jehovah by fire was thus more impressive by contrast.

Describe Elijahs preparations for offering his sacrifice and the Lords response. Question # 7 Lesson Four Study Questions

He repaired the altar of the Lord which was broken down, using twelve stones, one for each tribe of Israel. He made a trench around the altar whose volume was two seahs or approximately 5-6 gallons. Elijah then arranged the wood and bull which had been cut into pieces. He drenched the wood and meat, even to the point of filling the trench around the altar. In this way he guaranteed that no fire was concealed; if there was fire, it was not a trick of the prophet. Continued on next slide

The Lord responded with fire in a way which verified that it was no trick of the prophet. The fire consumed not only the wood and sacrifice, but also consumed the stones of the altar, the dust and the water in the trench. The people had no difficulty recognizing that this was a supernatural event.

What was done with the prophets of Baal following the contest on Mount Carmel? Question # 8 Lesson Four Study Questions

They were executed at the Brook Kishon at the foot of Mount Carmel. Most likely these prophets were apostate Israelites. The penalty under the Law of Moses for idolatry was death (Deuteronomy 13:1-11).