Steel & Scrap Market Overview
International Ferrous Scrap Trade Million Metric Tons Year
World’s Largest Scrap Importers 3
Scrap Exporting Nations By Ton ( )
Total US Steel Production
Total 2014 US Steel Production 88 Million Tons
Scrap Production/Price Comparison
Total 2014 US Scrap Market 66 Million Tons
US Total Scrap Exports by Country 18.5 million tons 2013
US TotalScrap Exports by Country 15.4 million tons 2014
Comparison of US Scrap Metal Exports by Country (2013 vs 2014)
CFR East Asia Scrap Price Compared to Iron Ore and Chinese Domestic Scrap Price
Scrap Prices Chicago vs. Turkey vs. Fe+Met Index
Turkish Crude Steel Production Capacity (mmt) & Capacity Utilisation (%) Production 2010 CU % * estimate * Capacity
15 Turkey’s Total Billet and Slab Import (tonnes )
Turkey’s Scrap Import Sources in 2014
Mexican Steel Production ( Million Tons)
Comparison of exports to and from The US and Mexico
Map of Mexican Steel Production
Thank you! Hoffman Iron and Steel