Gas Stoichiometry I know you are SO happy you get to do stoichiometry again!


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Presentation transcript:

Gas Stoichiometry I know you are SO happy you get to do stoichiometry again!

Two Types of Gas Stoichiometry Problems 1.STP gases 2.Non-STP gases

What to do? 1)Write a reaction. 2)Find moles (gram-mole conversions, molarity, and ideal gas law) 3)Do a stoichiometric conversion between chemicals 4)Answer the question A)22.4 L/mol for STP gases B)PV = nRT for non-STP gases

Example #1 What volume of hydrogen gas will form at STP when 30.0 g of sodium react with an excess of hydrochloric acid, HCl?

Example #2 What mass of potassium chlorate will be needed to make 500. mL of oxygen at 25.0 o C and 800. torr?

Example #3 What volume (L) of oxygen will form when 40.0g of calcium chlorate decompose at 352 o C and 901 torr?

Example #4 What volume of hydrogen at STP will form when 2.00 g of calcium react with an excess of water?

Limiting Reactant Gas Stoichiometry 1)Write a reaction. 2)Find moles for both reactants (gram-mole conversion, molarity, or ideal gas) 3)Determine limiting (divide by coefficients, choose smaller one as the LR) 4)Answer the question

Example #5 What volume of hydrogen will form at 30.0 o C and 790. torr when 6.60g of zinc react with 30.0 mL of 6.00 M HCl?

Example #6 What volume of carbon dioxide at 300. o C and mmHg will form when 50.0 g of carbon react with 90.0 g of oxygen?

Example #7 What volume of hydrogen will form at 45.0 o C and 750. mmHg will form when 45.0 mL of 0.500M sulfuric acid reacts with 30.0 g of calcium?