For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. Romans 10:12 September 13, 2009
All have sinned Acts 8:18ff Rom. 3:23
God is not a respecter of persons Rom. 10:12 Acts 10:34-36 Rom. 1:16 Rom. 10:12-12
Prophecy of God Joel 2:28-32 Jn. 7:39
Prophecy fulfilled Acts 2:14-41
Definition Thayers Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament defines calling on the name of as the Greek word epikaleomai (ep-ee-kal-eh-om-ahee) means to invoke someone to help, to appeal unto
Appealing to the authority Heb. 2:10ff Jesus power to perform miracles Lk.4:33-37 Jesus is seated at the right hand of God Eph.1:17ff Jesus is Lord of lords Rev.17:14 His name is above all names Phil.2:9-12
Calling on the name of the Lord (not by prayer only) Jer.29:11-13 Rom.10:10,14 Mt.5:8
Example of one calling on the name of the Lord Apostle Paul Acts 22:4,6-16
Hear (Heb.2:3) Believe (Lk.18:9-13) Confess (Acts 8:37) Repent (Acts 2:38) Be baptized (1 Cor.6:9-11) Stay faithful (Rev.2:10)
Conclusion Only a remnant will be saved (Rom.9:27) Call on the name of the Lord Be buried into baptism with him (Rom.6:4) Putting on Christ (Gal.3:27)