TEN RULES FOR A HAPPY HOME – Gen. 2:18,24. It is POSSIBLE to live happily if a couple is well PRINCIPLED. What are the ? What are the Ten PRINCIPLES for A Happy Marriage?
The first 3 RULES 1. Once EVERYDAY, say a complimentary word to your wife or husband --- Prov. 25:11 2. When you have done wrong, ADMIT IT and ask for forgiveness --- Proverbs 28:13, James 5: Never be BOTH ANGRY at the same time --- Proverbs 15:1, Judges 8:1-3.
Principles continued … 4. Dont be selfish --- Philippians 2: Dont LACK communication: (where you are going, in money matters and in health problems) – let it be seasoned – Col. 4:6 6. If you must criticize, do it LOVINGLY –-- Ephesians 4:15
The last 4 principles … 7. Neglect the whole world, but NOT each other --- Colosians 3: Never go to sleep angry, with an argument unsettled --- Ephesians 4: REMEMBER: It takes two to make a quarrel (and usually the one who is wrong DOES the most talking) --- Proverbs 10: Never bring up the past mistakes --- (let bygones be bygones) Philippians 3:13.
Conclusion We can only be happy IF WE LIVE WITHIN GODs SCRIPTURAL PRINCIPLES. And when have DECIDED to put Christ as the center of our home. Have you? If not WHY NOT now –Acts 22:16 ??