Lesson Five Ahab, Elijah & Syria 1 Kings 19:1-20:43
Jeroboam ( ) – Nadab ( ) Baasha ( ) – Elah ( ) Zimri - (885) Omri - ( ) – Ahab ( ) – Ahaziah ( ) – Jehoram ( ) Kings of the Northern Kingdom
Omri ( ) Ahab ( ) Ahaziah ( ) Jehoram ( ) Zimri (885) Jehu ( ) Asa ( ) Jehoshaphat ( ) Jehoram ( ) Ahaziah (841)
Northern Kingdom
Lesson Five Study Questions Why did Elijah flee to the territory of Judah? Question # 1
When Jezebel heard from Ahab about the execution of the prophets of Baal, she sent a message to Elijah, threatening to take his life (1 Kings 19:1-2). The text says that he ran for his life (vs. 3). In fairness to Elijah, it should be noted that Jezebel had already killed many prophets of the Lord (1 Kings 18:3). Two observations can be made from this fact. First, the queen was not powerless. Second, God did not protect those prophets so that they did not die. Continued on next slide
On the other hand, Elijah had just successfully opposed not only a large company of Baal's prophets, but also the king himself without loss of life. Nevertheless, he was evidently made afraid by Jezebel's threat.
What complaint did Elijah make to the Lord? Question # 2 Lesson Five Study Questions
Elijah reminded the Lord that he had served Him zealously, noting that the people of Israel, on the other hand, had forsaken the covenant, torn down altars to the Lord and killed his prophets. Elijah proclaimed himself the last one left who was faithful to the Lord and observed that the wicked were seeking to take his life also (1 Kings 19:10, 14). Elijah made this complaint twice to the Lord.
What was the point of the strong wind, earthquake and fire? Question # 3 Lesson Five Study Questions
Despite the powerful, awe-inspiring nature of these natural phenomena, the Lord was not in them. I suspect that the Lord was trying to point out to Elijah that He could work in ways which were not so obviously powerful and terrible.
What mission was Elijah given? Question # 4 Lesson Five Study Questions
Elijah was to anoint three people. He was to return to the Wilderness of Damascus where he would anoint Hazael as the new king over Syria. Second, he was to anoint Jehu king over Israel and, finally, he was to anoint Elisha as his (Elijah's) replacement (1 Kings 19:15-17). Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha (1 Kings 19:19-21), but it was Elisha who would eventually anoint Hazael (2 Kings 8:7-15). Another prophet actually anointed Jehu at the command of Elisha (2 Kings 9:1-10).
How was the arrogance of Ben-Hadad, king of Syria, manifested? Question # 5 Lesson Five Study Questions
The Syrian king sent messengers to Ahab informing him of his intention to take Ahab's treasures, wives and children (1 Kings 20:2-3). When Ahab offered no resistance (vs. 4), Ben- Hadad added the stipulation that his servants would freely plunder the Israelites on the next day (vs. 5- 6). When Ben-Hadad was informed that some Israelites had come out of Samaria, he ordered them taken alive without regard to their purpose (1 Kings 20:17-18). He seemed clearly to regard the Israelites as no threat to him or his military forces.
How were the Israelites delivered from the Syrians at Samaria? Question # 6 Lesson Five Study Questions
The young leaders (232) of the provinces began the battle by each killing his Syrian counterpart which caused the Syrians to begin to flee (1 Kings 20:13-20). Once the Syrians began fleeing, the remaining Israelites (7,000; vs. 15) pursued them and were able to slaughter a large number of Syrians.
What was Ahabs response to Ben-Hadads capture at Aphek? Question # 7 Lesson Five Study Questions
Ben-Hadad and his servants dressed themselves with sackcloth and put ropes around their heads and pleaded for mercy from king Ahab (1 Kings 20:31- 32). Ahab referred to the Syrian king as his brother in the presence of these servants who seized upon this indication of mercy. Ben-Hadad offered an economic treaty, ostensibly in exchange for his life. The substance of the treaty was that Ben-Hadad would restore cities to Israel that his father had taken from Omri, Ahab's father (1 Kings 20:34). Ahab would be allowed to set up markets in Damascus just as the Syrians had marketplaces in Samaria.
How did the Lord express His displeasure about Ahabs treaty to the king? Question # 8 Lesson Five Study Questions
A prophet of the Lord ordered one of his companions to wound him. He bandaged himself so that he was not recognizeable and told a story to the passing king Ahab. He claimed that he had been given charge of a prisoner and had let him escape. Ahab promptly judged him worthy of punishment. The prophet revealed his identity and pronounced judgment against Ahab for letting Ben-Hadad go free.