A Look at Opportunities and How We Respond
We have all seen bracelets with the letters WWJD The question I want to ask is WWYD Scripture is filled with examples of how people respond in different situations
David trusted in God and met the enemy head on (1 Sam 17) The size of the enemy (vs 1-10) The faith of David (vs 32-40) The response of the enemy (vs 41-44) The response of David, the battle, victory (vs 45-51) Joshua and Caleb trusted in God when all others doubted (Num 13:17-14:45) The call to spy the land and the response (Num 13:17-33) The reaction of Joshua and Caleb and the response of the people (Num 14:6-10) The reward for the believers and the penalty for the doubters (Num 14:26-30, 36:37) The promise fulfilled (Josh 14:6-13)
Joseph forgave his brothers and cared for them (Gen 37-50) The selling of Joseph (vs 27:18-36) Joseph overwhelmed at opportunity to receive his brothers (Gen 45:1-4) Joseph explained all was the will of God (Gen 45:5-11) The family moves close to Joseph (Gen 45:24-46:1) New Testament teaching on forgiveness Peters question and Christs parable on forgiveness (Mt 18:21-35) Repay no one evil for evil (Rom 12:17-21) Forgive and receive Onesimus (Philemon 8-21)
When the King returns He will render each according to his deeds (Mt 25:31-46) The separation right and left (vs 31-33) The statement to those on the right and their response (vs 34-40) The statement to those on the left and their response (vs 41-45) The account of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:30-38) The injury to the traveler (vs 30) The responses of the religious leaders (vs 31-32) The response of the Samaritan (vs ) The application from Jesus (vs 36-38)
The Prodigal son returned to his father and sought forgiveness (Lk 15:11-32) The request and mistakes of the son (vs 11-16) The realization of his sin and action taken (vs 17-21) The forgiveness by the father (vs 22-24) The lesson to the other son (vs 25-32) The response on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) Holy Spirit falls on apostles and people become confused (vs 1-13) Peter rises up and preaches to the people (vs 14-36) The response of those who heard and Peters command to them (vs 37-40) The baptism of the people and the growth of the Church (vs 41-47)
When the enemy seems too strong… what will you do? When you have the opportunity for revenge… what will you do? When presented wit the opportunity to help… what will you do? When presented with the realization you are in sin… what will you do?