JMN Admin Download The Application Download The Application Download mobile application from Google Play Store for Android phones and Apple Store for IOS
JMN Admin Create Your society on MSMS* Create Your society on MSMS* Once downloaded click icon to open the application. Create your society and fill in the required details While creating your society make sure you are at the society location or fill up the society address manually, as the system will automatically pick your present location as your society location. Correct Geo location will help you to map local venders by distance from your society * MSMS: Mobile society management system
Fill this form carefully Create Your society on MSMS* Create Your society on MSMS* While creating your society make sure you select the option from the policy discussion forum options applicable for your society. You can have an option to approve all discussions before they are posted on the residents module or select the option where it gets automatically posted without any approvals
Login MSMS* Login MSMS* Once you have created the society login on the ‘mobile society management admin system’, you can ask other admin members to sign- up. You can approve requests for other admin members
Dash Board And start using the system Dash Board And start using the system Now when you logon to the mobile application as admin, you will see pending for approval and action on the dashboard, for eg: Resident complaints, Resident registrations and also admin registrations, which you can approve from here
Key Modules And start using the system Key Modules And start using the system Admin will have access to the residents directory. The directory can be edited and updated as and when required Discussion board permits residents to discuss common topics amongst each other, photographs can be shared as well Admin can share notices and information with all residents, the content can be typed or copied from other files and pasted here, or take a photo from your phone and upload it Create an event, date and time. Residents can view and confirm their presence which can be seen by the Admin Admin can view complaints from residents. A reply can be sent by admin or the complaint can be closed once the action has been taken Both Admin and Residents can add local vendors from which all can benefit. Contact numbers of dry-cleaners, home delivery, pharmacy, beauticians etc.. can be uploaded and viewed by all Admin can send bills directly to residents categorized under bill name; Maintenance, electricity etc… Resident can only view their bills and no one else’s This Module helps to share society key numbers with residents. Example society office number, Main gate, club and any other
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