Role of SIDC Agent of IDBI & SIDBI - 28 Term loans Underwriting Direct subscription Debentures and guarantees Equipment leasing Government incentives Merchant banking Mutual funds
Contd Technical guidance Plant location Coordination with other agencies Preparation of feasibility reports Surveys Developing industrial estate
SSIDC State Government owned undertaking Functions Procurement & distribution of scarce raw material Supply of machinery on hire-purchase Marketing assistance Construction of industrial estate Seed capital finance Management assistance to production units
Contd Counseling Information on SSI products Providing small office spaces
SFC Concerns eligible for assistance Manufacture of goods Preservation of goods Processing of goods Mining Generation & distribution of electricity Hotel industry Transport
Contd Maintenance, repair, testing or servicing of machinery, vessels, motor boats etc Assembling, repairing or packing Development of industrial estate Fishing Special or technical knowledge
Objectives and functions Term loans for acquisition of land, building, plant and machinery Promotion of self-employment Encourage new and technically qualified women Rehabilitation of sick units Promotion of industry by rural and urban artisans
Contd Financial assistance for transport vehicles Provide seed capital assistance Soft term loans Seminars Interest subsidy
RBI Small enterprises financial centres Target for domestic commercial banks Micro units Foreign banks Disposal of application Collateral free loans Debt restructuring