Vision To become a world class center of education, research and professional services in the field of forest management, wood science & forest industries, and parks & recreation. Mission To be a center of excellence of learning and education in the field of tropical forestry that contribute to human progress and discovery of knowledge but also to the creation of wealth and national development
Undergraduate Academic Programs Bachelor of Wood Science and Technology Bachelor of Forestry Science Bachelor of Parks & Recreation Science
Bachelor of Forestry Science Bachelor of Forestry Science (Urban Forestry) Bachelor of Forestry Science (Forest Management) Bachelor of Forestry Science (Wildlife Ecology and Conservation) Bachelor Programme Review
Course Structure Bacelor Sains Perhutanan (Perhutanan Bandar) Curriculum Component Credit Hours % University Courses Program Core Courses Major Courses Elective Courses JUMLAH 126
Carbon Measurement and Monitoring Learning Objectives 1. Identify the role of forests in climate change and international cooperation to reduce the impact of climate change (C4) 2. Explain forest carbon stocks, drivers of change in forest carbon (A3, CS) 3. Capable to measure and monitor forest carbon (P4) Synopsys This course introduces students to the role of forests in climate change and international cooperation to reduce the impact of global climate. Students are also able to measure and monitor carbon in the forest