Integration Development Programme in the Field of Statistics of the Eurasian Economic Union for EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 2 Basis and Goal of the Programme Basis for development of the Programme - the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated 29 May 2014 (paragraph 14, Annex 4). Goal of the Programme - establishment of the Eurasian Statistic System based on modern operation principles and international standards in statistics providing a wide range of users with high quality statistics information on the social and economic state and development of the Union. EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 3 Objectives of the Programme 1)ensuring introduction of new versions of international statistical standards, including the methodology and classification; 2)development and introduction of statistical methodologies of the Union and development of an indicators system for assessment of integration processes; 3)introduction of new methods and technologies in the field of statistics; 4)preparation for national population and housing censuses of the 2020 round; 5)capacity building and development of the instruments forming the Union law in the field of statistics activity. EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 4 Directions of the Programme 1)introduction of new versions of international statistical standards; 2)coordination of interaction of the competent authorities in the field of statistics of the Member States of the Union; 3)creation of a classifications system of the EEC harmonised with national and international classification systems; 4)development and implementation of methodologies to form official statistics information of the Union; 5)development of a statistical indicators system for assessment of the integration process of the Union; 6)introduction of new methods and technologies in the field of statistics; 7)preparation for the national population and housing censuses of the 2020 round; 8)capacity building and development of the instruments forming the Union law in the field of statistics activity. EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 5 Direction I of the Programme I. Introduction of New Versions of International Statistical Standards (including measures to ensure the implementation of international standards in general) I.1. International Seminars, Conferences and Other Events to Introduce New Versions of International Statistical Standards (measures for conducting by the EEC of international seminars and meetings on introduction of international statistical standards, as well as participation of representatives of the EEC and the authorised Bodies of the Union in similar international events of other international organisations) I.2. International Standard SNA-2008 (exchange of experience in the stages and time frames of implementation of the standard, development of a coordination plan for harmonisation of macroeconomic indicators on the basis of SNA 2008, defining the recommended set of SNA satellite accounts for the Member States of the Union, consultancy support of SNA 2008 introduction). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 6 Direction I of the Programme I.3. International Standard GFS 2014 (exchange of experience in the stages and time frames of introducing the standard, consultancy support of GFS 2014 introduction). I.4. International Standard BPM6 (exchange of experience in the stages and time frames of introducing the standard, consultancy support of BPM6 introduction). I.5. OECD Standard "OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment. 2008" (exchange of experience in the stages and time frames of introducing the standard, consulting support of the OECD Standard introduction). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 7 Direction I of the Programme I.6. ILO Standards on Labour Statistics Adopted at the 19Th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013) (formation of a set of key indicators of labour statistics, preparation of draft recommendations of the EEC Board on the establishment of a labour force participation status). I.7. International Standard "International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions, 2010"(IMTS 2010) (development of methodologies of introduction by the authorised statistics authorities of foreign and mutual merchandise trade; measures aimed at creating integrated data of the Union on the basis of statistics linking of foreign and mutual merchandise trade with data of other areas of statistics and data of business register; measures for implementation of an integrated approach to data collection, including the use of administrative sources). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 8 Direction II of the Programme II. Coordination of Interaction between Authorised Authorities in Statistics (measures for the convergence of the methodology based on international standards, harmonisation and development of an indicators system, compliance with decisions of the EEC Board and implementation of its recommendations) II.1. Economic, Social and Demographic Statistics (analysis of the methodological practices of the authorised Bodies of the Union in the field of statistics and ensuring their convergence based on international standards) II.2. Financial Statistics (harmonisation and development of a monetary statistics indicators system, government financial statistics and statistics of balance of payments; improving the "mirror" statistics on direct investment, international trade in services and private transfers) II.3. Statistics on Foreign and Mutual Trade in Goods; (annual comparison of data of mutual trade statistics, monitoring implementation of decisions and implementation of recommendations of the EEC Board in the field of statistics on foreign and mutual trade in goods, establishment of a "best practices data bank") EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 9 Direction III of the Programme III. Creating a System of the EEC Classifications Harmonised with National and International Classifications (introduction of international classifications in the field of statistics) III.1. Classification of Economic Activities of the EEC (the "EEC CEA") (introduction of a classification system of economic activities based on NACE Rev.2, updating correspondence tables) III.2. Product Classification by Economic Activity of the EEC (the "EEC PC") (development and implementation of a product classification by economic activity on the basis of CPA2008, development and updating of correspondence tables) EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 10 Direction III of the Programme III.3. Institutional Economy Sectors Classification (the "IESC") (preparation of recommendations/methodologies for application of institutional economy sectors classification and corresponding national classifications, expansion of their application) III.4. Coordination of Conversion Keys Between the Single Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (the "CN of FEA EAEU") and other international classifications (coordination of conversion keys between CN of FEA and other international classifications) III.5. Other Classifications of the EEC (work using other international classifications). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 11 Directions IV-VI of the Programme IV. Development and Implementation of Methodologies for Formation of Official Statistical Information Indicators of the Union (methodologies according to the List of Official Statistical Information Statistical Indicators provided by the authorised authorities of the EEC of the Member States of the Union, including calculation of average price indices and physical volumes of foreign trade in goods). V. Development of Indicators System for Assessment of Integration Processes (definition of indicators for assessment of integration effects, development of their methodology and their introduction in statistical practice, use of "input- output" tables to study inter-industry relations of the Member States of the Union). VI. Introduction of New Methods and Technologies in the Field of Statistics (development of computerisation of collection, processing and distribution processes of the Union official statistical information; introduction of the SDMX standard for data transmission, introduction of calculation of average price indexes and physical volumes of foreign and mutual trade in goods of the Union). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 12 Directions VII-VIII of the Programme VII. Preparations for the National Population and Housing Censuses of the 2020 round (convergence of the timing of the censuses, unification of the methodology in respect of employment and labour migration). VIII. Capacity Building and Instruments Forming the Union Law in the Field of Statistics (activities for capacity-building of the statistical system of the Union and development of instruments forming the Union law in the field of statistics). VIII.1. Capacity Building of the Statistical System of the Union (increase of capacity of the statistical system of the Union, development of a strategy for the distribution of statistical data, development and implementation of the "Open Data" Project, promotion of the Union's statistics). VIII.2. Development of the Instruments Forming the Union Law in the Field of Statistics (development and adoption of the Eurasian Statistics Regulations and Code of Practice and other instruments forming the Union law in the field of statistics). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 13 Sources of Programme Funding The Programme actions are planned to be implemented within the Union budget expenditures allocated for financing activities of the Commission, as well as within the budgets of the Member States allocated for financing activities of state authorities of the Member States of the Union, including national (central) banks entrusted with the function of formation of official statistical information of the Member States. EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 14 Programme Implementation Mechanism Implementation of the Programme is controlled by the EEC jointly with the authorised authorities. Day-to-day management and coordination of the Programme implementation is carried out by the Department of Statistics (the "Department") of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The Department prepares annual reports on implementation of the Programme and submits it after a preliminary discussion at the Consultative Committee on Statistics for consideration by the Board (annually) and by the Council of the EEC (upon expiration of the Programme). EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 15 Programme Implementation Mechanism The Department, in cooperation with the national authorised authorities and taking into account the financial resources allocated for implementation of the Programme, annually develops an action plan for implementation of the Programme for the next year, which, after discussion at the Consultative Committee on Statistics, is submitted for approval by the Board of the EEC. EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION
| 16 Programme for Integration of Statistics Thank you for your attention! Any questions? EEC THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION