Comment on the importance of aid in helping countries of low levels of development progress. (7 marks) Level 2 display a clear understanding of the topic make one or two points with support of appropriate exemplification and/or application of principle give a number of characteristics, reasons, attitudes provide clear use of case studies give responses to more than one command e.g. “describe and explain...” demonstrate a style of writing that reflects subject matter demonstrate good use of Geographic vocabulary demonstrate SPaG Learning objectives To describe the different types of aid To assess the impact of aid To evaluate what makes an aid project effective
Types of Aid Bi-lateral aid: Aid given out on a country-to-country basis e.g. from the UK to Kenya Multi-lateral aid: Aid channelled through international bodies Project aid: Direct financing of specific projects for a donor country Technical assistance: Funding of expertise of various types Humanitarian aid: Emergency disaster relief, food aid, refugee relief and disaster preparedness - Humanitarian aid accounts for less than 10% of global aid flows Soft loans: A loan made to a country on a concessionary basis with a lower rate of interest- for example, India has received over $2 billion in low-interest funds from the World Bank for many of its welfare schemes, these soft loans are set to stop as India heads towards middle-income status Tied aid: i.e. projects tied to suppliers in the donor country - the UK abandoned tied aid in 1997 Debt relief – this may take the form of cancellation, rescheduling, refinancing or re-organisation of a country’s external debts Learning objectives To describe the different types of aid To assess the impact of aid To evaluate what makes an aid project effective
Does foreign aid result in development? Learning objectives To describe the different types of aid To assess the impact of aid To evaluate what makes an aid project effective
Outline the positive and negative impacts of aid (10) Read page and Geofile 587: Generate at least 7 positives and 7 negatives Sort using SPEED Write these on separate cards Add an example to each Are the following reflected in your cards? How have positives and negatives of aid changed over time? Have you included a range of SPEED impacts? Level 3: display a detailed understanding of the topic make several points with support of appropriate exemplification and/or application of principle give a wide range of characteristics, reasons, attitudes provide detailed accounts of a range of case studies respond well to more than one command demonstrate evidence of discussion, evaluation, assessment and synthesis depending on the requirements of the assessment demonstrate a sophisticated style of writing demonstrate a clear sense of purpose
Evaluate how effective trade can be at having a positive impact on developing countries (8) Create a mindmap to summaries how trade can have a positive impact on developing countries. Include reference to: Modernisation – international trade Industrialisation Neoliberalism free trade World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Asian Tigers Least developed countries lack the ability to invest agricultural goods EU Common Agricultural Policy Trickle-down effect Structural adjustment programmes Level 2 A. display a clear understanding of the topic B.make one or two points with support of appropriate exemplification and/or application of principle C.Give a number of characteristics, reasons, attitudes D.provide clear use of case studies E.give responses to more than one command – evaluate ( + and - or ranking). F.Demonstrate good use of Geographic vocabulary Learning objectives To describe the different types of aid To assess the impact of aid To evaluate what makes an aid project effective
5 mins to discuss 3 succinct points How would your answer be different if the question asked…? “Trade or aid” Learning objectives To describe reasons for the growth of TNCs To assess the impact of TNCs To evaluate the impacts
“The least developed countries will never progress unless the western countries increase their aid contributions” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (40 marks) Describe key words Brainstorm a list of positive impacts Brainstorm a list of negative impacts Attached examples to each of your suggestions Remember – start with the case study and use it to explain the theory If you have no example/evidence is it a point worth making? If it is, than you need the supporting evidence Do you have a range of SPEED/spatial variations? Level 4: answers the question with depth, flair, creativity and insight In addition to the requirements of Level 3, an answer at this level is likely to: provide strong evidence of thorough, detailed and accurate knowledge and critical understanding of concepts and principles and of specialist vocabulary. give explanations, arguments and assessments or evaluations that are direct, logical, perceptive, purposeful, and show both balance and flair. demonstrate a high level of insight, and an ability to identify, interpret and synthesise a wide range of material with creativity. demonstrate evidence of maturity in understanding the role of values, attitudes and decision-making processes. Learning objectives To describe the different types of aid To assess the impact of aid To evaluate what makes an aid project effective