WARM UP 2/12 Quiz yourself Shuffle your cards and put them in order – then flip them over and see how many you got wrong. Write your score on your warm up. QUIZ ON THESE FRIDAY
NOTES Ch 8 2/12 Exercise and muscle fatigue
2 types of exercise: 1. AEROBIC 2. RESISTANCE
AEROBIC Endurance exercising; does not increase much muscle size EX: running, biking, swimming, etc.
RESULTS 1. Stronger muscles 2. More flexible 3. Greater resistance to fatigue DUE TO 1. Increase in blood supply to muscles (so more O2) 2. Muscle fibers make more mitochondria (so store more energy)
Other benefits of aerobic: Better coordination Stronger bones More efficient lungs Better metabolism Improved digestion Larger, stronger heart (more blood each pump)
RESISTANCE EXERCISE Muscles worked with an immovable (isometric) or heavy object EX: lifting weights
RESULTS 1. Larger muscles 2. More strength DUE TO Enlargement of muscle fibers (more actin, myosin, and connective tissues) **NOT gain more cells
During this type of exercise, there are microscopic tears in the muscle. After working out MUST take two or three days off to let muscle heal and rebuild. This makes muscle stronger. Without rest time, only hurt muscle and no longer build it.
MUSCLE FATIGUE Muscles unable to contract even when stimulate DUE TO Not being able to take in O2 fast enough for what muscles are using
When muscles lack O2 – lactic acid accumulates – this stops contractions Lactic acid causes burning feeling, soreness
What to do Slow down activity Breathe deep full breaths O2 will lessen the lactic acid
REGULAR EXERCISE Increase in exercise causes more efficient use of O2, more blood supply to muscles, and less fatigue (can work out longer) *Remember heart is a muscle- need to do things to work it out also!
POST LAB QUESTIONS – staple to your lab (each do) Each group answer - staple to lab 1. Write what PARTs were aerobic exercise. 2. Write what PARTs were resistance exercise. 3. What caused the burning feeling in PART II? 4. What would happen to your heart rate after exercising in PART VII if you worked out all the time? 5. Why do you breathe hard after exercising? 6. What hand is stronger in PART I: why do you think? 7. How healthy are you? a. Beats after exercise: good strong heart: 116 or less average ; need more exercise: 130+ b. Part II : great – 1 + minute; average 35sec-1minute; need more exercise less than 35 c. Part III: great – 30+; average 23-29; need more exercise less than 24 d. Part IV: great 35+; average 26-34; need more exercise : less than 26