Physical Fitness Lecture Fitness Terminology
Cardiovascular Endurance Ability for large muscle work Ability for large muscle work Ability to deliver oxygen to the body Ability to deliver oxygen to the body Central component of fitness program Central component of fitness program Decreases risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure Decreases risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure Well-conditioned heart supplies blood to the body while doing less work Well-conditioned heart supplies blood to the body while doing less work
Strength Muscle or muscle groups exerting force Muscle or muscle groups exerting force Weight-lifting or resistance training is classic example of strength training Weight-lifting or resistance training is classic example of strength training High weight with low reps increases muscle mass and strength. High weight with low reps increases muscle mass and strength. Fast-twitch muscle fibers Fast-twitch muscle fibers Slow-twitch muscle fibers Slow-twitch muscle fibers
Muscular Endurance The ability for muscles to work strong without rest The ability for muscles to work strong without rest Endurance training is required to achieve stamina Endurance training is required to achieve stamina In weight training, light weight with high repetitions will work endurance In weight training, light weight with high repetitions will work endurance
Flexibility The ability of joints and muscles to achieve full range of motion The ability of joints and muscles to achieve full range of motion Helps prevent injuries and keeps body feeling comfortable after exercise Helps prevent injuries and keeps body feeling comfortable after exercise To build muscle does not mean you have to lose flexibility To build muscle does not mean you have to lose flexibility
Aerobic Exercise Promotes cardiovascular fitness by raising your pulse to a targeted level Promotes cardiovascular fitness by raising your pulse to a targeted level Recommended that you exercise target heart rate 3 times/wk for 30min Recommended that you exercise target heart rate 3 times/wk for 30min Aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, helps control weight, increases flexibility, and reduces risk of injury Aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, helps control weight, increases flexibility, and reduces risk of injury
Anaerobic Exercise Focuses on specific muscles and their size, endurance, and strength Focuses on specific muscles and their size, endurance, and strength Weight training is an example Weight training is an example
Target Heart Rate The optimal rate for burning fat and increasing cardiovascular endurance The optimal rate for burning fat and increasing cardiovascular endurance To calculate range: 220-(your age) low end multiply by.6 (60%) for the high end multiply by.75 (75%) To calculate range: 220-(your age) low end multiply by.6 (60%) for the high end multiply by.75 (75%) To lose weight and burn fat work out in this range for 20 to 30 min To lose weight and burn fat work out in this range for 20 to 30 min
Progression Gradually increase how hard, long, and many times you do an exercise Gradually increase how hard, long, and many times you do an exercise It will take 6 to 8 weeks for physical improvements to be noticeable It will take 6 to 8 weeks for physical improvements to be noticeable You will feel better right away You will feel better right away
Overload To make a muscle stronger it must work harder than it does at rest To make a muscle stronger it must work harder than it does at rest Aerobic-heart must beat faster and breathing must increase Aerobic-heart must beat faster and breathing must increase Anaerobic-more repetitions of an exercise or increased weight Anaerobic-more repetitions of an exercise or increased weight Remember not to overdo it! Remember not to overdo it!
Specificity Exercise is specific Exercise is specific Stretches will help flexibility Stretches will help flexibility Overloading your muscles will make them stronger Overloading your muscles will make them stronger To be good at a specific sport you must practice the skills required to play that sport To be good at a specific sport you must practice the skills required to play that sport
Warm up Gets the body ready for rigorous exercise in two phases Gets the body ready for rigorous exercise in two phases 1. Graduated aerobic warm-up activity 1. Graduated aerobic warm-up activity 2. Stretching or Flexibility 2. Stretching or Flexibility Warm-up should be 5 to 10 minutes Warm-up should be 5 to 10 minutes Try to hold stretches for at least 20 seconds Try to hold stretches for at least 20 seconds
Cool Down Slowly decreasing the intensity of the activity you are performing Slowly decreasing the intensity of the activity you are performing Stopping suddenly can be dangerous Stopping suddenly can be dangerous This is extremely important for people who are just starting a program This is extremely important for people who are just starting a program Proper cool down should be 5 to 10 minutes Proper cool down should be 5 to 10 minutes
FIT-Frequency, Intensity, and Time Frequency-the number of times per week a person works out Frequency-the number of times per week a person works out Intensity-speed or workload of an activity (the level of intensity is very important for a program) Intensity-speed or workload of an activity (the level of intensity is very important for a program) Time-The duration of an exercise Time-The duration of an exercise 3 times/wk \ Target heart range \ minutes 3 times/wk \ Target heart range \ minutes
Weight Training /Weight Room Orientation
PE Weight training program Fitness based uidelines.html Fitness based uidelines.html uidelines.html uidelines.html Full body (Two sets-warm up and workout set) html#anchor Full body (Two sets-warm up and workout set) html#anchor html#anchor html#anchor Complete during class time Complete during class time
Weight Room Record what you do when ever you are in there Record what you do when ever you are in there Record sheets will be in folder located in weight room Record sheets will be in folder located in weight room You will get out of it what you put into it. You will get out of it what you put into it.