Today is Monday, April 1, 2013 Do Now: Take w/s Biology practice 57 and complete
Do Now Review This is the equation for respiration. It means that ________ glucose molecule plus _____ oxygen molecules makes _____ carbon dioxide molecules, ________ water molecules and about 356 molecules of ATP (energy)
The C stands for __________________. The H stands for __________________. The O stands for __________________. carbon hydrogen oxygen
Cellular Respiration
Chemical Pathways How do you feel when you are hungry? Each person is different End result is same We ALL need food Just like plants, we have our own cycle for energy
Chemical Energy & Food Food - source of raw materials Food energy is measured on food labels in Calories (science - kilocalories) Calorie Amount of energy needed to raise temperature of 1 gram of water 1° Celsius 1 gram of glucose (sugar – C 6 H 12 O 6 ) releases 3811 calories of heat energy
Chemical Energy and Food Cells release the energy from food and convert it into ATP (and heat) by a process called cellular respiration Releases only a small amount of energy Aerobic w/ oxygen – 2 ways Anaerobic w/o oxygen – 1 way
What is a Calorie? 1. Amt. of food taken in to raise the temp 2. Amt. of energy needed to raise the temp 3. Amt of degrees
In cellular respiration what do we want to create? 1. ADP 2. ATP 3. Glucose 4. CO 2 5. O 2
True/false: Cellular respiration occurs all at once in large quantities. 1. True 2. False
Overview of Cellular Respiration 3 stages: Glycolysis Cytoplasm Krebs cycle (Citric acid Cycle) Mitochondrial Matrix Electron Transport Chain Inner mitochondrial membrane 6O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + Energy
formula 1 glucose (6 carbons) 2 pyruvic acid (3 carbons each)+ 2 ATP + 2 NADH Cells don’t burn glucose Release energy from glucose & other food compounds
Glycolysis Occurs in Cytoplasm Anaerobic (does not require O 2 ) NADH when O 2 is available goes onto krebs cycle & electron transport chain NADH when O 2 is not available Undergoes fermentation 1 glucose (6 carbons) 2 pyruvic acid (3 carbons each)+ 2 ATP + 2 NADH
Krebs Cycle In the mitochondria Also known as the citric acid cycle Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy extracting reactions 2 Pyruvic Acid (enters mitochondria) 2 Acetyl-CoA + 2 CO 2 + 2NADH Acetyl-CoA enters innermitochondrial membrane and is converted to citric acid Final products of Krebs cycle 6 NADH 2 FADH 2 (electron carrier) 2 ATP 2 CO 2
Electron Transport Chain Uses high energy electrons from NADH and FADH 2 to convert ADP to ATP Energy from electron (green) powers the proton pump (purple) in the inner membrane The protons diffuse back in thru ATP Synthase (red)which catalyzes the rxn to produce ~32 ATP
Electron Transport (A) At end of step, O 2 is final electron acceptor of e- transport chain O 2 is essential for getting rid of low- energy electrons & H +, wastes of cellular respiration
Electron Transport (B) H+ get transported across membrane w/every 2 high- energy e- Opposite side of membrane (matrix) is negatively charged
Electron Transport (C) Charge differences results in a spinning w/each rotation, enzyme ATP synthase grabs an ADP = ATP
Total Counts Glycolysis yields 2 ATP (no O 2 ) w/ O 2, 34 ATP get produced in Krebs/electron Transport in addition to 2 ATP from glycolysis (36 total ATP)
How many stages are there in cellular respiration?
Glycolysis occurs in the______. 1. chloroplasts 2. mitochondria 3. cytoplasm 4. nucleus
Glycolysis is ________. 1. aerobic 2. anaerobic
Electron transport chain occurs in the membrane of the ________. 1. chloroplast 2. nuclear 3. mitochondria 4. lysosome
The Kreb’s cycle is also called the _________. 1. Citric Acid cycle 2. Cotton cycle 3. Pyruvic Acid cycle
Kreb’s cycle is _______. 1. aerobic 2. anaerobic
The Kreb’s cycle occurs in the_______. 1. cytoplasm 2. mitochondria 3. chloroplast 4. membrane
The electron transport chain is______. 1. aerobic 2. anaerobic
Fermentation A. Definition 1. process by which cells releases energy in the absence of oxygen a. Anaerobic Respiration i. Aer – air ii. An = without B. 2 types 1. Alcoholic 2. Lactic Acid
Alcoholic Fermentation 1. Pyruvic acid + NADH ethanol + CO 2 + NAD+ 2. Yeasts & other microorganisms a. dough 1 - spaces in bread b. beer c. wine
Lactic Acid Fermentation 1. Pyruvic acid + NADH lactic acid + NAD+ 2. Animals a. Muscle soreness b. Rapid exercise & little O 2 c. Painful, burning d. Debt gets repaid w/heavy breathing
Lactic Acid Fermentation Unicellular organisms oprokayotes ofoods cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi
Long Term Energy Cellular respiration only way to generate continuing supply of ATP Pacing Energy stored in muscles & tissues
Long Term Energy Glycogen stores can last up 20 minutes Fat & stored molecules begin to get broken down Aerobic exercise is great for weight control
How many types of fermentation are there?
Fermentation is ______. 1. aerobic 2. anaerobic
Alcoholic fermentation occurs in all but______. 1. bread 2. chips 3. beer 4. wine
Sore muscles occur in which type of fermentation? 1. Lactic Acid 2. Alcoholic 3. Both of these
Which type of fermentation occurs in cheese? 1. Alcoholic 2. Lactic Acid
True/false: You can have cellular respiration w/o photosynthesis. 1. True 2. False
Cellular respiration make ATP for energy. Where is this energy stored? 1. Chloroplasts 2. Mitochondria 3. Vacuoles 4. Muscles 5. Heart
Which type of fermentation occurs in prokaryotes? 1. Lactic Acid 2. Alcoholic
Assignment: Review questions