Reflect the mission and brand of both Xavier and your organization
Social Media Examples ganization/timeline ganization/timeline
Connect Instagram to Twitter
Behind the Scenes paigns_dashboard paigns_dashboard Facebook Analytics Twitter Ads/Analytics Hootsuite
How to Manage your Accounts Social Media is a team effort – Have 2-3 people responsible for the content – Account managers should be from different years Pass on lessons Create a semester plan – Schedule tweets or facebook posts a head of time (especially during breaks and exam time)
Raising Awareness of your Org Follow Xavier departments or other student orgs tweets – Pictures of campus – Pictures of students at your events Send departments thank you’s for planning events Encouraging tweets about sports teams or to Xavier newspaper
Promotional Sponsorships Great for your resume – Shows strategic use of social media accounts – Displays support for more than yourself Career Development Office has a social media budget for advertising – Your support can raise awareness for your organization Deadline for the Career Fair: Sept. 16th
Questions? Contact: Interested in in having a monthly chat on social media strategies?