OVERVIEW Why Social Networking?Methods of Social NetworkingFacebook-Brand PageFacebook Group Pages/AdvertisementsTwitterFoursquareBest PracticesThe “Do Nots”CostsQuestions?
WHY USE SOCIAL NETWORKING? Outreach to students, alumni, staff, and faculty. Promote Events Promote organizations/groups Promote Resources Many people use it
METHODS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING Facebook Brand Page Advertisements Surveys (events, activities, organizations, etc.) Outreach Group Pages (organizations, interns, etc.) Twitter Posts Questions from clients (Direct Message and advertise with other organizations.) Foursquare Claim Spaces Common Spaces advertisement
FACEBOOK-BRAND PAGE Create one for Center/Unit Cannot Change name of Page (Only Twitter) Questions Create Polls about events. EX: Are you coming to X event tonight? EX: What resources do you use the most in the LGBTA SRC? EX: What type of events would you want to see during Pride Week? Page “Insights” Gives information about demographics of active fans Sex, Age, activity (dates), who shared, stories with most hits, location Activity development
FACEBOOK-BRAND PAGE CON’T Outreach Outreach where your clients are Students: THON, Student Activities, PRCC, Student Groups Alumni: Alumni Groups, Penn State main page Listservs to advertise Page Contests, EX: “If we get 50 “Likes”=Pizza Party” Publications: Post Preview article for OutRider
FACEBOOK-BRAND PAGE CON’T Brand Page vs. Friend Page Only “Subscribers” can see the Friend Page posts. Insights in Brand Page-What is/isn’t being liked Advertising Unlimited amount of Fans vs. 5,000 for Friend Friend one=Only human, may be removed from Facebook Shows to friends when people interact with Page-more advertising EX: Betty Ann wrote on the Wall of the “LGBTA SRC” click “Like”
FACEBOOK-GROUP PAGES/ADVERTISING Encourage Student Orgs to Create Groups Volunteer for Events Come to Events Advertise for Events Message all members
FACEBOOK-GROUP PAGES/ADVERTISING CON’T Advertisements $5/day, $0.30/click “Like” The better performs, the cheaper ($0.30/click v. $0.10/click)-can remove if not performing Pop-up ads on right side Target Location-Zip code, key words, age, gender, Relationship status, attraction, education Create ad-unique picture, unique catch line Facebook will make suggestions/critique
TWITTER Posts 140 Characters or less Use Short URLs: Includes Shortened URL (5 Characters) and QR Codes “.qr” Direct Message people Update groups affiliated with Center Changeable Name
FOURSQUARE Claim Center, if one exists Google: “Foursquare Brand Page” Take control of Venue “Do you manage this venue? Claim here” Create Brand Page Add pictures, create posts as Center Tips Leave tips at locations (campus, community, etc.) Remind people about LGBTA SRC EX: The LGBTA SRC loves X Sandwich at Joegies! Events-”Create event and say “Having party at X”-will show on Twitter, Facebook if linked
MANAGING SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES Hoot Suite-Free Schedule posts-specific times, days, dates set up at beginning of week-do not need to have open Crowd Booster-Free Twitter When people are most active (days, times) ”How are my tweets doing?” Past week specifications on each Tweet When to post
BEST PRACTICES FOR SOCIAL NETWORKING Use Photos Post Articles (will put up photos) Blogs Sync to Facebook and Twitter if has RSS feed Peak Times of Activity Manage Content Delete inappropriate content Use Management tool At least Insights on Facebook
THE “DO NOTS” OF SOCIAL NETWORKING Never Post Single Status Make Unique (Picture, Question, Event, etc.) Engage clients No more than 10 posts/day Once per hour is ideal Do not post on “15s” and “45s” Post Various Stories Do not post same story more than twice Post headlines at Peak times
COSTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING Time Most time-creating pages, advertising pages Managing Networks 3 hours/week-beginning and end of week Schedule posts Money Advertisements on Facebook $5/day or 0.30/click-set your own price
THANK YOU The Washington Blade !
QUESTIONS? Brianna Serrano 101 Boucke Building (814)