Pick up your Cornell notepaper. Write down your objective: ◦ TSIET get to know the teacher and their peers, understand the rules of the class, and learn how to do Cornell notes. You must write something in your notes about each segment of today’s class. Take notes as we go along.
Background Education 3 likes and dislikes Something fun
Name Something about you that you want us to remember
We want to hear from you.
Be respectful ◦ Raising your hand to speak Talking over one another ◦ Ask 3 before me ◦ Be on time. Be in dress code. ◦ Roast and get roasted ◦ Clean up your area before leaving the classroom ◦ Treat others how you want to be treated Not doing your homework is a slap to my face ◦ Substitutes
Homework is mandatory. Homework extension is only allowed if you notify me before class (i.e., kik messaging or in person). NO S or tweets. It will count as a late grade. ◦ When absent, homework and classwork assignments will be posted online. Write a summary over it – if not, a zero will be given. NO cellphones, NO excuses. ◦ We are required to pick it up and turn it in the office and you will have to pay $15 to get it back. ◦ Cell phones can only be used before/after school and during lunch. They cannot be out in the classroom or the hallway during passing periods.
Restroom ◦ Can’t leave the first or last 15 minutes of class ◦ One at a time ◦ If you abuse it, you lose it. Pencils ◦ You must trade in something of yours to borrow a pencil
5 minutes to become an expert in your section(s) ◦ Underline and circle important words Can’t read from the paper verbatim 2 minutes to present
◦ Username: lamar170 ◦ Password: vikings ◦ This is where video tutorials, practice worksheets and practice quizzes are available. ◦ No username or password required ◦ This is where your homework and classwork will be posted. Follow us on My KiK messaging account is: ____________ Why you should use these things!
This is one of your first homework assignments. It is due by Friday.
Write at least two questions in the left column that describe the information on the right. ◦ Sample questions: What are the rules and policies for this class? What are the online resources? What are the norms for algebra 1? Write a 2 sentence summary.
Get your handout. Go when I say start.