Whats going on in CLIL? MNU und IV. Workshop Englischsprachiger Biologie- und Chemieunterricht an deutschen Schulen 11. September 2009 Keith Kelly
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Definitions CLIL - the focus on language for learning (what it is and how to access it)
Europe Europe: more literature and more debate Uncovering CLIL, Mehisto, Frigols and Marsh (Estonia, Spain, Finland) Discourse in CLIL, Dalton-Puffer (Austria) FACTWorld / Cafe CLILwww.factworld.info Articles on Ball, Clegg, Kelly, accumulative resources and informationwww.onestopclil.com CLIL and MFLs (CILT, ALL) CLIL Cascade Network Bilingual Education Platform (Manuel Lara)
Europe Europe: more literature and more debate Uncovering CLIL, Mehisto, Frigols and Marsh (Estonia, Spain, Finland) Discourse in CLIL, Dalton-Puffer (Austria) FACTWorld / Cafe CLILwww.factworld.info Articles on Ball, Clegg, Kelly, accumulative resources and informationwww.onestopclil.com CLIL and MFLs (CILT, ALL) CLIL Cascade Network Bilingual Education Platform (Manuel Lara)
Europe Europe: more literature and more debate Uncovering CLIL, Mehisto, Frigols and Marsh (Estonia, Spain, Finland) Discourse in CLIL, Dalton-Puffer (Austria) FACTWorld / Cafe CLILwww.factworld.info Articles on Ball, Clegg, Kelly, accumulative resources and informationwww.onestopclil.com CLIL and MFLs (CILT, ALL) CLIL Cascade Network Bilingual Education Platform (Manuel Lara)
Spain: well organized Asturias network of 140 schools (Training and Resources Centre Oviedo - training, publications, networking) Basque plurilingual education Spanish Bilingual Project bilingual-project bilingual-project
Spain: well organized Asturias network of 140 schools (Training and Resources Centre Oviedo - training, publications, networking) Basque plurilingual education Spanish Bilingual Project bilingual-project bilingual-project
Spain: well organized Asturias network of 140 schools (Training and Resources Centre Oviedo - training, publications, networking) Basque plurilingual education Spanish Bilingual Project bilingual-project bilingual-project
More private provision IB look at immersion - activate prior knowledge, scaffold, extend, identity IB in the state sector (Lithuania) Didzdvario Gymnasium, Siauliai- Colin Baker on bilingualism - 'Scaffolding' CLIL is all about the scaffolding learning and supporting language ZPD - Vygotsky (CLIL is helping learners move from their comfort zone)
More private provision IB look at immersion - activate prior knowledge, scaffold, extend, identity IB in the state sector (Lithuania) Didzdvario Gymnasium, Siauliai- Colin Baker on bilingualism - 'Scaffolding' CLIL is all about the scaffolding learning and supporting language ZPD - Vygotsky (CLIL is helping learners move from their comfort zone)
Asia Malaysia – scrap EMI (question is, what can replace English?) Phillipines – officially adopts a 'monoligual' (or Mother tongue based) approach to bilingualism (UNESCO) Singapore – 40 years of plurilingual education
Middle East Qatar - Science and Maths through English throughout the system Oman - scoping survey UAE - EM Maths and Science
Middle East Qatar - Science and Maths through English throughout the system Oman - scoping survey UAE - EM Maths and Science
Middle East Qatar - Science and Maths through English throughout the system Oman - scoping survey UAE - EM Maths and Science
North America 'ELLs' - Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners (on OSC) Texas - (Texas State University System)
South America 3rd Brazilian Bilingual Schools conference, 2009 reports huge growth in private sector in Brazil
Conclusions There are many grey areas, but there is now a clear foundation of literature and understanding of how language works in learning, that is one which reflects 'all language' (MTs and FL), is additive rather than subtractive and offers a plurilingual approach to language and learning. CLIL has come to be known as an umbrella term for any context where content and language are integrated in learning. This is a big concept to try to deal with, perhaps too big. CLIL is the practice of integrating content and language. It is the 'what' and the 'how' of learning curriculum material in a foreign language.
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