University Teaching Seminar 2011 International Issues and Welcome to Ames August 17, 2011 Presented by Ling Li and Ruslan Suvorov
University Teaching Seminar 2011 In this session you will… Get information about the life in Ames from an international graduate student perspective Learn tips on dealing with culture shock and adjusting to your new life Get an idea about the life of international TAs at ISU
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Welcome to Ames! Among top 10 best places to live in America (Money Magazine, 2010) Population of more than 50,000 Small town charm with the heartbeat of a big city Only 30 minutes from Des Moines, also easily accessible from Kansas City, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Chicago
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Climate in Ames Warm/hot and humid summer Very cold and long winter Rainfall is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year Checking weather forecast regularly is a good idea GOOD INVESTMENT FOR WINTER: A goose down coat, boots, socks, gloves, wool hat, and maybe face mask Warm clothes to dress in layers Shovel and ice scraper
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Severe Weather in Ames Tornadoes Hail Floods Snow storms Freezing rain Checking weather forecast regularly is a good idea
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Housing and Shopping in Ames Housing On-campus: Off-campus: Shopping East and West HyVee, North Grand Mall, Fareway, Target, Wheatsfield (organic) + Ankeny and Des Moines International grocery: Pamel Grocery, Asian stores International restaurants: Mexican, Chinese, etc. Local Craiglist:
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Transportation in Ames CyRide Airport Shuttle Servicehttp:// Personal vehicle: Ames Driver’s License Station Driving for international grad students at ISU: Buying a car, car insurance, parking permits
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Culture Shock Symptoms Sadness Loneliness Anxiety Homesickness Tips on dealing with culture shock Making new friends Keeping yourself busy Learning more about the US culture International Friendship Connection Conversation Partner, English Club
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Factors Associated with Cultural and Academic Adaptation Among ISU International Students Adaptation/Adjustment Individual Resources: Language ability/skills Self-confidence Knowledge about culture and educational system Social Resources/Factors: Social support/network: (e.g., friends from the same culture, American friends, classmates, staff, professors, and church) Discrimination Grace D. da Rosa
University Teaching Seminar 2011 ISSO and Health Insurance International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) Advisers help you with Your paperwork as an international student Personal, financial and cultural issues Find out about ISSO requirements early Do not get info from other people, get it directly from the ISSO office Health Insurance
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Useful Links International Student Council Student and Scholar Health Insurance CyRide Bus City of Ames State of Iowa SEVIS
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Campus Resources Department of Public Safety (DPS): Help Van: Safety Escort (6 p.m. – 6 a.m. when classes in session): Parking Division: Emergency: 911
University Teaching Seminar 2011 International Teaching Assistants Who they are OECT test (former SPEAK/TEACH) TA duties: Teaching standalone classes; Teaching labs; Assisting professor (e.g., grading, proctoring, etc.)
University Teaching Seminar 2011 ITA Common Issues Language issues: Accent, grammar, vocabulary New terminology Cultural differences Different pedagogy in class: Teaching style Grading and feedback Different classroom culture: Use of technology, eating, tardiness, attendance, etc.
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Dealing With Language Issues Talk to your students Be open about your language issues Practice English whenever you can: English 180 classes SPEAK/TEACH Pronunciation Lab Make friends with Americans Avoid using only native language
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Dealing With Cultural Differences Discuss issues with your students Learn from other TAs and professors Make friends with Americans to learn more Educate yourself about the US culture
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Dealing With Teaching Problems Know the expectations of your department Get advice from other TAs and professors Invite fellow TAs/mentor to observe your class Learn more about teaching methodologies, grading, and feedback used in the US Avoid imposing your own teaching beliefs and style on your students Be a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage!
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Dealing With Classroom Culture Know your rights and duties and the rights of your students Set up rules and guidelines in your course policy, make sure students know and follow them Confront students when issues arise Get advice from other TAs
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Help Resources Experienced ITAs and American TAs Your major professor, mentor, and department International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO)
University Teaching Seminar 2011 Questions? Please fill out the session review form before you leave.