The information contained in this document is Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information and it shall not – either in its original or in any modified form, in whole or in part – be reproduced, disclosed to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied, without the written consent of Volvo Aero Corporation. Any infringement of these conditions will be liable to legal action. LTS (Life Tracking System)
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 2 LTS What is LTS? LTS is a software, which calculates life consumptions for the life limited parts based on the registered load data files and valid life models LTS uses information from the performance and secflow models when the load data is not measured
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 3 LTS Necessary conditions for LTS Access to registered load data files Access to data from performance and secflow models Access to valid life analysis models Access to historical and present engine configuration
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 4 LTS Life Analysis System (LAS) Life Analysis System (LAS) is used to develop and verify life analysis models in the Life Management program LTS and LAS use the same life calculation methods, Life Engine (LE)
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 5 LTS Day month year LTS Overview Pre-LTS Maintenance System Life Engine LTS SERVER LTS-DB
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 6 LTS Day month year LTS Overview Pre-LTS Life Engine LTS SERVER LTS-DB Maintenance System
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 7 Steady State Data Creator (SSDC) LTS Day month year SSDC PreLTSDB Performance Model Secflo w Model
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 8 Load file Pre-LTS LTS Day month year LTS -TD Filter Add Proper ties Selec t LTS-TD:Check input signals and add Thrust Droop parameters Filter: Filter mission according to settings Select: Select engine steady state conditions from database Add Properties: Add mission meta data Mission PreLTSDB
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 9 LTS Day month year LTS Overview LTS SERVER Pre-LTS Life Engine LTS-DB Mission Maintenance System
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 10 LTS Server, the spider in the net Register new load data files from Pre-LTS Collect and store data from Maintenance System Connect load data files with part individuals Send load data files for life analysis to LE Collect and store life consumption results Send life consumption corrections to Maintenance System LTS Day month year LTS-DB LTS SERV ER
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 11 LTS Day month year LTS Overview LTS SERVER Pre-LTS Life Engine Mission LTS-DB Maintenance System
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 12 Life Engine, the brain of LTS LTS Day month year Computer Cluster LELE LELE Case DB Missions LTS results Fully automated analysis models The Volvo Aero Best Practice of doing life analyses is implemented Two types of models Very accurate and time consuming (days) Accurate and fast (minutes) LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE LELE
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 13 LTS Day month year, Slide 13 ELCF Cycles Mission Data Maintenance- system LTS – RM12 Data Flow True Life Consumption Life Update LTS Life Engine Mission Data Configuration
10110 Utg. 4 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. Department, Name Utg. 11 Slide 14 Development Process Specification Use Case (Overview) Technical Specification (Detailed) System Safety Reports Implementation Software Architecture Document Verification Test Case Test Report Documentation User Manual LTS Day month year