CBM Collaboration Meeting 1 Simulation Status V. Friese
CBM Collaboration Meeting 2 Simulation levels Level 1: No magnetic field, ideal tracking (straight tracks) Ideal event vertex Ideal / no PID Use MC points / tracks (artificial smearing) Level 2: Simplified detector response Track finding and fitting in magnetic field PID (TOF/RICH/TRD/ECAL) Single events Level 3: Detailed detector response Event pile-up (MAPS) Delta electron background Timing / Trigger
CBM Collaboration Meeting 3 Simulation status VariableOpen charmJ/Ψvector mesonshyperonsfluctuations Level 1 D 0 done, other channels started okstarted Λ done, multistrange started started Level 2First stepsΛ started Level 3
CBM Collaboration Meeting 4 Open charme Level 1 analysis: σ vz = 20 μm Reconstructed tracks: σ vz = 60 μm No magnetic field applied yet!
CBM Collaboration Meeting 5 Charmonium Dielectron channel: Background from „superevent“ Reproduces phase space but neglects correlations Dimuon channel: Work started No absorber Detection of pion decay by kink?
CBM Collaboration Meeting 6 Low mass vector mesons Improved cut strategy No field yet! Detailed tracking, pion suppression crucial! Physics input: use HSD?
CBM Collaboration Meeting 7 Hyperons Work started at PNPI and JINR Ideal tracking + PID Track fitting, with field, (ideal track finder)
CBM Collaboration Meeting 8 Fluctuations First studies done Problem: Input of physical signal Other variables ?, multiplicity, charge
CBM Collaboration Meeting 9 Tracking Various approaches (JINR), only STS, very idealised conditions Track finding and track fitting are separated Track finding Cellular automaton (no field yet!) Conformal mapping Track following Hough transform Track fitting Different approaches using eq. of motion We need: take into account STS layout (strips!) take into account MAPS pileup take into account detector noise and delta electrons develop global tracking
CBM Collaboration Meeting 10 Delta electrons from target Simulation of delta electrons now stable Hit rate in first STS comparable or even larger than from produced particles Very sensitive to magnetic field -> magnet design
CBM Collaboration Meeting 11 Software Release (production) delayed by 2 months: Reduce data size Constant debugging during summer (geometry) Transport part of software ok now Production can start Feasible for report: 100 kEvents central, 25 AGeV 300 kEvents min bias, 25 AGeV within 10 – 20 days
CBM Collaboration Meeting 12 Software Proposal: Installation of CBM software group FrameworkBertini, Al-Turany DetectorOne person from each detector group PhysicsOne person from each physics group Trigger/DAQ Responsibility for code maintenance, regular meetings
CBM Collaboration Meeting 13 Input for simulations Detector design: STSNot much progress since LoI! Desperately need strip layout, hit definition RICHLarge progress, design, optical properties, ring recognition. Need: realistic SRS/TRD tracking for ring guidance TRDfirst-guess design, hits implemented need: parametrised response (TR) for PID TOFfirst guess design, hits implemented ECAL: progressed design studies, standalone need implementation into framework
CBM Collaboration Meeting 14 Detector design ↔ Feasibiliy studies We still have essentially the CDR detector concept! Detector optimisation w.r.t. physics observables lacking! Simulations have to give feedback to detector groups, consider the specific running conditions (triggered/untriggered) Connections / communications must be improved