Lansing Central School District Budget Update February 13, 2012 Dr. Stephen L. Grimm, Superintendent Ms. Mary June King, Business Administrator
GENERAL SUPPORT Board of Education – Board, District clerk, District Meeting Office of Chief School Administrator Finance – Business Administration, Personnel/payroll services, Auditing, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Purchasing Staff – Legal, Personnel, Records Management, Public Information and Services
GENERAL SUPPORT, CONT’D Central Services – Operation of Plant, Maintenance of Plant, Central Printing & Mailing, Central Data Processing Special Items – Insurance, Dues, Refunds, BOCES Admin Charges, consultant fees
GENERAL SUPPORT % CHANGE Board of Education$ 14,118$ 16, % Office of Chief Administrator $ 219,604$ 228, % Finance$ 377,493$ 382, % Staff$ 188,894$ 202, % Central Services$ 1,778,672$ 1,766, % Special Items$ 426,766$ 422, % TOTALS$ 3,005,547$ 3,018, % % OF BUDGET11.87%11.36%
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Energy Performance Contract: – Guaranteed Savings = $ 236,000 This was built into the budget preparation. No modification in budget budget modified by adjustment and built-in energy source increase. Energy Management Services: – Projected cost = $ 9,436 (w/aid)/$ 20,738 (w/o) – Projected Savings = $ 20,000 All other codes are held constant or increased only as much as contractual obligations indicate (salaries)
OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE % CHANGE SALARIES$ 569,566$ 578, % BENEFITS$ 332,333$ 344, % EQUIPMENT$ 38,500 0% CONTRACTUAL$ 171,600$ 166, % M & S$ 123,000$ 127, % GAS & ELECTRIC$ 480,800$ 432, % WATER$ 42,000 0% BOCES$ 103,143$ 104, % TOTALS$1,860,742$1,834, % % OF BUDGET7.35%6.91%
TECHNOLOGY SHIFT IN BOCES: – Decrease of Director of Technology with increase in curriculum and development DECREASES IN STATE AID AMOUNTS – Result of decreasing student enrollment IMPROVED TRACKING OF EXPENSES – Tech Director involved in all software/hardware purchases – Budget codes increased to include building identification for cost tracking $30,000 SHIFTED FROM TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT
TECHNOLOGY % CHANGE SALARIES$ 96,140 $ 44, % BENEFITS$ 48,140 24, % EQUIPMENT$ 0 30,000 NYS-AID SOFTWARE$ 18,500 17, % NYS-AID HARDWARE$ 16,824 13, % CONTRACTUAL$ 17,425 27, % M & S$ 15,000 30,000100% BOCES$ 424, , % TOTALS$636, , % % OF BUDGET2.51% 2.64%
TRANSPORTATION SAVINGS IN CURRENT YEAR – Projected savings of $50,000 in excess of budgeted savings DEBT SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS – Debt service projections on 1/23/12 included replacement of $95,000 bond payment set to “fall off” in – Our recommendation will be to purchase replacement buses at a debt service cost of around $50,000. – $45,000 additional could go to funding NetZero or NYSERDA projects.
TRANSPORTATION % CHANGE SALARIES$ 648,215 $ 631, % BENEFITS$ 274,293 $ 297, % EQUIPMENT$ 64,000 $ 20, % CONTRACTUAL$ 61,500 $ 56, % GAS & DIESEL$ 144,975 $ 150, % UTILITIES$ 28,050 $ 25, % M & S$ 84,280 $ 85, % BOCES$ 8,440 $ 9, % TOTALS$ 1,313,753 $1,277, % % OF BUDGET5.19% 4.81%
Projected Budget/Revenue Gap: Projected $ 26,560,000 $1,240,500 Budget $ 25,319,500$2,936,500 $1,696,000 Revenue for $ 23,623,500 12
Projected Budget/Revenue Gap With appropriated $1.9M Projected $ 26,560,000 $ 1,284,500 Budget $ 25,319,500$ 1,080,500 $ - 204,000 Revenue for $ 25,523,500 13
FUND BALANCE PROJECTION This means we will use (as needed) $1M rather than $1.94M of appropriated revenue in current year. That will allow $1M towards next year’s appropriated revenue needs. That $1M, coupled with ~ $400,000 excess unassigned in 11.12, allows for $1.4M appropriated in without touching reserves. BUDGETED AMOUNT PROJECTED ACTUAL DIFFERENCE REVENUES$ 25,319,503$ 25,567, ,044 EXPENSES$ 25,319,503$ 24,621, ,254 TOTAL PROJECTED FUND BALANCE IN EXCESS OF ALLOWED 4%$ 946,298