What happens if you don’t go to college… A life in their shoes… By: Wonderful former student
My life situation Fast food manager One 2 year old kid Divorced I receive $100 a month per kid
Housing I make $2,998 monthly This house will cost me $599 monthly 2 bedrooms 2 full baths
My Car $ 271 monthly for this car $100 for car insurance
Health Insurance – Humana – $108 a month
Food/ Hygiene Products $300 monthly for me $200 monthly for my child (If you are not good at math, then the total equals $500)
Electricity Since my house has 2 bedrooms, the bill will cost me $160 a month.
Water I, as an adult, cost $30 monthly My child, as an additional person, costs $15 monthly
Sanitation The standard rate for sanitation is $30.
Daycare Since my kid is 2 years old, daycare would be $125 weekly. So the monthly total would be $500
My 2 yr. old can’t go without TV!!! $30 a month for TV This includes Disney for my kid
It’s all about Phones!!! $80 monthly
Guinea Pig $25 monthly My real guinea pig…
Trade-offs Getting a smaller house, instead of a bigger house Getting a cheaper car, than a more expensive and “in style” car Getting less TV channels, because I could only afford a certain number Getting a cheaper health insurance, I may not be as secured as I need to be. I will end up paying more when it comes to emergencies.
References insurance!goToScreen?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ehealthinsurance.co m%2Findividual-family-health- insurance&sourcePage=&edit=false&ajax=false&screenName=best-sellers insurance!goToScreen?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ehealthinsurance.co m%2Findividual-family-health- insurance&sourcePage=&edit=false&ajax=false&screenName=best-sellers =&listingId= &paId= =&listingId= &paId