1 Semanticommunity.info Tutorial Brand Niemann December 7, 2010
2 Overview 1. Ordering the Wiki and Domain Services 2. User Manual 3. Some Feature Highlights 4. Dashboard 5. Home Page 6. Privacy and Permissions 7. Migration Plan
3 1. Ordering the Wiki
4 1. Ordering the Wiki
5 1. Ordering the Wiki
6 1. Ordering the Domain Services
7 1. Ordering the Domain Services.info: Associated with Web sites that provide information; Useful for businesses, organizations, and individuals; and Recognized around the world..org: Popular choice for non-commercial organizations; Also used by businesses to showcase their charitable activities; and Register the.org version of your.com to protect your brand..net: Great option when your.com has already been registered; Often used for Internet infrastructure or related services; and Register the.net version of your.com to protect your brand..com: The most popular domain extension in the world; Vital for anyone seeking high visibility on the Internet; and May be registered by anyone on the Internet.
8 1. Ordering the Domain Services
9 2. Migrating EPA Ontology
10 2. User Manual
11 3. Some Feature Highlights Edit Page New Editor
12 3. Some Feature Highlights Maximize Minimize
13 3. Some Feature Highlights
14 3. Some Feature Highlights Select New Page
15 3. Some Feature Highlights Select a Page Template (13): Tutorial Page
16 3. Some Feature Highlights Tutorial Page Template
17 3. Some Feature Highlights
18 3. Some Feature Highlights
19 3. Some Feature Highlights
20 3. Some Feature Highlights
21 3. Some Feature Highlights Attach File: Flash Uploader
22 3. Some Feature Highlights
23 3. Some Feature Highlights MindTouch Desktop Suite: –Publish pages directly from Microsoft Word™. –Archive long threads from Microsoft Outlook™
24 3. Some Feature Highlights Explorer View
25 3. Some Feature Highlights Web View
26 4. Dashboard Support Portal
27 4. Dashboard
28 4. Dashboard
29 4. Dashboard
30 4. Dashboard
31 4. Dashboard
32 4. Dashboard
33 4. Dashboard
34 4. Dashboard
35 4. Dashboard
36 5. Home Page
37 6. Privacy and Permissions
38 6. Privacy and Permissions You are currently setting the restrictions for page Semanticommunity.info. –Public: everybody can view and edit –Semi-Public: everybody can view, but only selected users can edit –Private: only selected users can view and edit this page
39 7. Migration Plan Decide what the Wiki wiki will be: –Seems like mostly a knowledgebase now, but you can have multiple purposes later on. List Details –Decide on the initial subtopics you want to have for your existing content and projects. Use MindTouch Desktop Suite Implement specific features: –Change the “skin” –Send s from Wiki –Etc.
40 7. Migration Plan The free Deki.wik.is's that I have used for the past 3 years are being decommissioned December 31, 2010 (hard turn off).Deki.wik.is I could pay to continue each with it's same URLs for another year, but then the URL's would go away anyway. I can get the new MindTouch OnDemand Medium Hosting, Technical Communication Suite (50+ Users) with Basic Support for $3500/year. I also get one free Migration which is epaontology.wik.is installed below the Welcome Page.epaontology.wik.is I have purchased the domains: semanticommunity.org and semanticommunity.info from Go Daddy for two years for $63. semanticommunity.orgsemanticommunity.infohttps://mya.godaddy.com/default.aspx?isc=goaf2001ab&ci=9086 I have asked that MindTouch use semanticommunity.info for my new Wiki.semanticommunity.info –.info stands for information in about 37 languages, and is a neutral name. The info domain has been the most successful of the seven new domain names, with over 5.2 million domain names in the registry as of April See –.org was originally intended for non-profit organizations or organizations of a non-commercial character that did not meet the requirements for other gTLDs. The MITRE Corporation was the first group to register an org domain with mitre.org in July See
41 7. Migration Plan I will migrated as much of the rest by December 31, 2010, but can have all packaged for free and archived to migrate later. The Deki.wik.is URL's will still remain in the Google Search Engine Index for some time after December 31, 2010.Deki.wik.is I have done an inventory of the Deki.wik.is URL's in this spreadsheet as Level 1 Metadata (Name and URL).Deki.wik.is I need an Excel Marco to reveal the URL's from the hyperlinked text. The detailed migration strategy is as follows: –Each Wik.is would have at least one new page that would contain an inventory table (Wiki table and Spotfire display) and key attachments.Wik.is Foer example, one page for Taxonomy Tuesday with a table - matrix of meetings and/or a Spotfire file with links to the attachments. –The most recent uses of the Wiki was for documenting the data science process and metadata associated Spotfire Analytics. –The migration will give the above first priority based on the new table for semanticommunity.info for 2011!semanticommunity. –The new Wiki interface will be a table (Wiki table and Spotfire) with Topic, Metadata, Data, Analytics, Presentation, and Comments. –The new Wiki interface will also feature getting to the 5 stars theme for 2011! –Some activities no longer need a separate Wiki page for each meeting, only a summary data table which also can be used in the Expertise Directory! –Level 2 Metadata would be Level 1 with Description, Comments, Additional URLs as necessary. –Level 3 Metadata would be what I have done for the Spotfire applications on the way to a domain-specific ontology!
42 7. Migration Plan Phase 1: Implement the New Curation Environment and Develop the Migration Plan Phase 2: Implement the Migration Plan in a Spreadsheet Phase 3: Prioritize the Content for Migration Phase 4: Evolve a Process for Standardizing the Migration of Each Type of Content Phase 5: Ask Questions of MindTouch Support Phase 6: Annotate the Migrated Content for Unfinished Tasks Phase 7: Thoroughly Check the Migrated Content Before Deactivating the Original Content Phase 8: Report on One Instance in Semantic eScience Class Final Assignment Source: