2005 FBIRN Meeting Welcome FBIRN 2005
Housekeeping Coffee breaks at 10:30 and 3 pm Please keep these to 15 minutes Lunch down the hall and on the patio at noon Wireless connection instructions Wiki page: Please set cell phones and pagers to silence
Goals for this meeting NO PINK SHEETS
Goals for this meeting Review current progress Identify current obstacles Set action plan to achieve specific aims Do good science & have fun!
FIRST BIRN Specific Aims ( ) Aim 1Develop, standardize, and cross-validate common activation tasks, acquisition methods, and data analysis (consortium test bed protocol). Aim 1.1 Identify, measure, and minimize inter-site variability when performing cross-site fMRI studies of healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia using the consortium test bed protocol. Develop methods to compare functional imaging data set using different magnet strengths and acquisition strategies. Develop methods to compare functional imaging data set using similar but not identical experimental designs (e.g., Sternberg versus N-back paradigm). Aim 1.2Facilitate comparison of unique site-specific cognitive activation paradigms, imaging acquisition methods, and data analysis strategies to the consortium test bed protocol. Develop methods to correlate multiple functional imaging data sets collected in the same subjects and across subject populations.
FIRST BIRN Specific Aims ( ) Aim 1Develop, standardize, and cross-validate common activation tasks, acquisition methods, and data analysis (consortium test bed protocol). Aim 1.1 Identify, measure, and minimize inter-site variability when performing cross-site fMRI studies of healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia using the consortium test bed protocol. Develop methods to compare functional imaging data set using different magnet strengths and acquisition strategies. Develop methods to compare functional imaging data set using similar but not identical experimental designs (e.g., Sternberg versus N-back paradigm). Aim 1.2Facilitate comparison of unique site-specific cognitive activation paradigms, imaging acquisition methods, and data analysis strategies to the consortium test bed protocol. Develop methods to correlate multiple functional imaging data sets collected in the same subjects and across subject populations.
FIRST BIRN Specific Aims Aim 2Integrate morphometric methods developed by the Morphometry BIRN into fMRI studies (ie the time domain). Modify and extend into the time domain the Morphometry BIRN common set of database tools and computational resources used across partner sites. Aim 2.1 Develop common open-source libraries and conversion utilities to enable reading and writing of raw and analyzed data, including image volumes, statistical parametric maps, surface geometries, segmentation/parcellation results, ROIs, and deformation/warping parameters. Aim 2.2Make necessary modifications and extensions to the existing software tools to interface with the SDSC Storage Resource Broker Architecture, and take advantage of the computational resources that will be available through the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure and Internet2. Aim 2.3 Develop data models such that results of analysis and other forms of derived data can be queried, and integrated amongst the fMRI BIRN and morphometry BIRN sites.
FIRST BIRN Specific Aims Clinical Aims Aim 3. To study brain functioning in schizophrenia with standardized cognitive tasks and fMRI procedures (consortium test bed paradigm) with demonstrated inter-site and test-retest reliability. Aim 4. To investigate specific regional brain dysfunction in schizophrenia. Aim 4.1 To determine whether cognitive impairments in schizophrenia involve both working memory / executive dysfunction and early auditory cortical processing. Aim 4.2To determine whether the same set of cognitive functions (e.g. working memory/executive functioning and early cortical auditory processing) are similarly altered in groups of schizophrenic patients differing in symptoms and illness course.
FBIRN Goals: Federated Database System, circa 2005 fMRI Are chronic, but not first-onset patients, associated with superior temporal gyrus dysfunction? Integrated View View Receptor Density ERP Web PubMed, Expasy; Brain Map fMRIDC Wrapper Structure Wrapper Clinical Wrapper Mediator
Current State of the FBIRN Phase I Data: Processed using FSL Image Processing Pipeline (FIPS) Uploaded for FBIRN sharing Published in several reviewed papers, numerous conference presentations Zou KH, Greve DN, Wang M, Pieper SD, et al. (2004). A prospective multi-institutional study for the reproducibility of fMRI: a preliminary report from the Biomedical Informatics Research Network. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin, 2004, 3217: In Press. Zou KH, Greve DN, Wang M, Pieper SD, et al. (2005). Factors Impacting the Reproducibility of Functional MR Imaging: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Multi-Institutional Study by the Biomedical Informatics Research Network. Radiology, In press. Kim, S. et al. (2005) Parametric response surface models for analysis of multi-site fMRI data. Manuscript submitted. 33 conference posters, seminars, presentations, five conference proceedings published and four other papers submitted Scheduled for upload via standard scripts for public sharing FBIRN deliverable: Intersite calibration and corrections recommendations
Current State of the FBIRN Phase II data collection underway Cognitive tasks: Auditory Oddball and SIRP Calibration tasks: Sensorimotor and breaththold Continued agar phantom scans weekly Clinical assessments: SCID Non Patient Version and Patient Version Deficit Syndrome Scale Premorbid Adjustment Scale Socioeconomic Scale Fagerstrom Smoking Scale, Family History Scale FIGS, Edinburgh Handedness Inventory CALGARY InterSePT Scale SANS and SAPS, and Modified PANSS Questionnaire Quick Mood Scale (used immediately before and after each scanning session) AIMS, BARNES SCALE. SIMPSON ANGUS Genetic samples: BDNF, COMT, D2DR, D1DR, etc. Number of subjects collected so far: 27, with ten from Iowa alone!!
Current state of the FBIRN To be finalized: How to combine these Phase II datasets for analysis, visualization, and datamining Infrastructure and tool development: Clinical assessment layouts: The clinical HID has been extended to include Phase II assessments Improved GUI for data input and missing data Improved directory hierarchy on SRB for generic storage and retrieval Image processing pipelines for standardized analyses XML-based event description for fMRI experiments Slicer extended to include fMRI time-series HIDB SRB
FBIRN as a collaboratory The effects of technology on scientific interaction: Interactions with Cal-(IT)2 VTC use assessment: More input needed by 2 pm VTC usage and feedback survey is in your booklet Demos of further collaborative VTC augmentations Tuesday at 1 pm
FBIRN External Collaborations Morph BIRN FBIRN adopting ADNI 3T protocols as much as possible T1 scans from Phase II will help Morph BIRN test 3T protocols for segmentation So far, success! T1 scan from MN 3T
FBIRN External Collaborations BIRN GCRC interactions BWH: Cardiac imaging and Slicer extensions BWH: Intersite variability assessment Wisconsin: Agar Phantom Calibration San Antonio (BrainMap): Experimental Design Taxonomies Cardiac Perfusion Study
Network for Translational Research Optical Imaging (NTROI) A multi-site consortium developing optical imaging methods for breast cancer Comparing to CT, MRI, and the “gold standard” of biopsy results. Optical imaging data from breast mammography on fifteen cancer subjects with multiple visits were input into the BIRN HID. The data consisted of demographics, clinical assessments, and summary optical data on hemoglobin, oxygenated hemoglobin, oxygen saturation, fat fractions, among others. These data are not at all similar in content to the clinical and behavioral assessments of the FBIRN, but the HID schema successfully incorporated them. The data were made available to researchers via the HID GUI and searchable by any criteria among the stored data.
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC) Wiki page hosting NA-MIC in cooperation with mBIRN and fBIRN modified Slicer for fMRI data NA-MIC will be made increasingly more stable for post –processing Future DTI package for Slicer Example of leveraging different efforts that contribute to one whole
Treatment Unit for Research on Neurocognition in Schizophrenia: TURNS NIMH-funded network of seven sites Consortium for clinical studies of pharmacological agents to enhance cognition in schizophrenia They wish to use fMRI as a biomarker Calibration, intersite correction, data base and data sharing possibilities for collaboration Discussion at 4 pm today
Agenda Monday AM 9:30-10:30 Statistics Working Group presentations 10:30 Coffee break! (and again at 3pm) Data Blitz: Please bring slides to computer up front 10:45 -11:30IT Working Group presentations 11:30 -12:00Data Blitz Monday PM 1 – 5 pm Clinical Working Group (BIRN offices) 1:30 – 5pm IT Working Group (Board Room) 2 – 4 pmCalibration/Statistics discussion: QA and calibration tools (Huntington) 4 – 5pm TURNS discussion (Huntington) 4 – 5pm Experimental Design Taxonomies (Atrium) 5 pmPlenary session (need title!)
Agenda Tuesday AM Breakfast 8 am 8:45 One slide summaries of previous discussions: IT, Calibration, Taxonomies 9-10Clinical data and the HID: How-to’s 10-10:30FSL Image Processing Pipeline: Imaging Data 10:30 Coffee break! (and again at 3 pm) 10:45 -11FSL Image Processing Pipeline FBIRN Statistical Discussion for Phase II plans Tuesday PM 1 – 2 pm VTC: Demonstrations and review 2 – 5pm IT Working Group (Board Room) 2 – 5pm Continued Working Group discussions: How do we achieve our specific aims? (Huntington and Atrium) 3:30 pmTURNS teleconference (TBA) 5 pmIntegrated review of milestones for the next few months
Statistical Goals from Oct 2004 Deliver a standard, preprocessed and fully processed Phase I dataset for FBIRN use immediately. The IT Phase I re-upload using the Image Processing Pipeline will provide a standard dataset also for public use. Apply the reliability toolkit developed so far to the standard dataset to publish final reliability measures. Variance components, STAPLE, generalizability and their comparisons. Make the toolkit available to the scientific community. In conjunction with the Calibration group, use the full toolkit of reliability measures to compare the effects of differential pre- processing. Smoothing effects as the top priority Publish best practices
Cog Challenge Group Goals Evaluate Phase II SIRP design Did the inclusion of three working memory loads differentiate schizophrenic and control samples? With and without intersite calibration Evaluate Phase II Auditory Oddball task Did temporal lobe activation differentiate schizophrenic and control samples? Cross-task generalizability for Phase II data Were similar patterns of dorsolateral PFC activation observed in both SIRP and Oddball tasks?
FBIRN Informatics Milestones Database Schema Insert functions for PostgreSQL instance Official documentation (user manual, testing, etc) Official release (HID 1.0) CVS reorganization/integration of mBIRN/fBIRN Graphical User Interface Double entry assessment forms, conflict forms Phase II assessment forms Interface options for intentionally blank data items Mediator integration XML Schema Packaged fMRI visit (images+assessments+behavioral data) Packaging of SRB metadata Upload Scripts Raw data human upload script Upload script + XML metadata integration BIRNDUP integration into workflow with upload script
By 5 pm Tuesday Each group delivers their action plan/milestones to achieve current goals Phase I publication plan and public access Phase II—Intersite calibrations on 5 normals and Sz Calibration Toolkit release date Best practices release date: Calibration corrections, Image processing pipeline IT developments Phase I final uploads Phase II uploads and derived data storage Mediated queries on Phase I and Phase II data, and derived data External collaborations GCRCs: Wisconsin, BWH, San Antonio Experimental Taxonomy Development plan: San Antonio, fMRIDC, NLM TURNS
Fun Reception at 6 pm Banquet here at 6:30 tonight Croquet!! All free time… BRAINS/Slicer Workshop Wednesday: 8:30 am to 5 pm Social Sciences Tower Room 220B Breakfast is not served but lunch is!