August 2013 Monthly Chapter Leader Webinar Mary Beth Lech and Michael Wright NCMA Chapter Relations Team x1119 and X1120
1 Today’s Agenda Monthly WebEx recordings New officer certificates What is the status of your chapter bylaws? Save the dates Nashville FAST FRIDAY is this Friday Chapter events and photos NES—Save the Date Webinars and Learning on Demand Board of Directors and Governance Chapter Leader Materials Chapter Annual Report Financial and Audit Reports NCMA Resources page—Membership reports and rosters Chapter Grants Did You Know… Social Media What’s On Your Mind?
2 Monthly Chapter Leader WebEx Recordings Now Available NCMA monthly chapter leader WebEx discussions are now being recorded for you to listen to as a refresher at a later date. Go to the NCMA Chapter Resources page and in the left column, click on Chapter Training Materials. Copies of the briefing charts are also available for you there.NCMA Chapter Resources page
Have you updated your chapter bylaws? New chapter bylaws template released in the spring 4
Remember this about bylaws… NCMA is incorporated in the state of Virginia and we go by the laws of the state of VA and our Articles of Incorporation The NCMA bylaws are essentially our contract with our members When a chapter is chartered, you agree to established bylaws and that they are not in conflict with the national bylaws The chapter bylaws are YOUR rules and regulations— they are YOUR chapter contract with your chapter members 9
10 Upcoming Events Save the dates! Fall Chapter Leader Summit: Sunday afternoon Nov ; Washington Marriott Wardman Park; Washington, D.C. Government Contract Management Symposium 2013: November 18–19, 2013; Washington Marriott Wardman Park; Washington, D.C. Spring Chapter Leader Summit: Friday afternoon March 28, 2014; Westin Hotel; San Diego, CA
No separate Mid Year 2014 Two additional chapter training events –Pre GCMS Includes reception with GCMS speakers, BoD, CoF, Top 40 winners –Post Small Business Training Forum Awards banquet 11
12 We Saw You in Nashville!
NCMA Board of Advisors 13 NCMA President-elect Larry Trowel, CPCM, CFCM appointed BoA chair
FAST Friday is this Friday, Aug 23 Jessica Friedman, NCMA’s Director of Marketing will discuss surveys and focus groups and their use in your chapter. Topic: NCMA-Fast Friday Webinar on Focus Groups Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) Meeting Number: Meeting Password: ncma To start or join the online meeting Go to RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D Audio conference information Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): Call-in toll number (US/Canada): Access code: RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 18
20 Send to:
YOUR chapter ought to be in pictures! 21
How to submit events and photos? Send to Photo: include a suggested caption, and identify the people in the picture Events: Title, date, location and a web link 22
Want to brag about your chapter? Did your chapter do something extraordinary such as fundraising, community service? Write up an article for CM! Send you article and pictures to 23
NES Save the Date! 24
Special Offer Applies to all NES 25
September 18th Webinar Special Guest Katie Minan, NCMA Education Program Specialist She will answer all your questions about signing up and hosting NES 26
28 Participants earn 1.5 CPEs. Upcoming Webinars… August, 2013 August 29: Prime/Sub Relations: New Developments and Continuing Issues Program Details and Registration September, 2013 September 10: Understanding Bid Protests: The Pros and Cons Program Details and Registration September 19: Compliance & Ethics Programs as Sword and Shield: Prevention & Protection in the Whistleblower Era Program Details and Registration
NCMA Board of Directors 30
FIVE Mandatory Items due NLT Aug 31 Chapter Annual Report List of officers and volunteers for PY Chapter Financial Report for PY Chapter Audit Report for PY Copy of chapter bylaws 40
Chapter Grants Your application is due NLT Sept 20 th Remember, you need all 5 items submitted in order to be considered for a chapter grant $25,000 in funding available 41
Membership Reports You need to LOG IN! LOG IN changed (November 16 th 2012) DO NOT give out this information to non officers or to NON-MEMBERS!!! 47
NCMA Membership Reports 48 –All Reports: New Member, Members Due, Members in Grace, Members Lapsed –Rosters! Are now held on this site: Full Roster of the Membership – Select your Chapter –New Passwords coming out SEPT 1 st – This will go to Presidents!! Contact your Chapter President for this information! –June 30 th Will run a membership listing for each chapter to show you members that you closed out the PY with –Certificate Holders- Will also be added here!
End of Year (EOY) Reports EOY reporting will be posted to the Resources Page –This is different than last year!! Officer Login will be required to access these. These are separated by chapter already, and will have the number of members in your chapter at the close of the program year 49
NEW OFFICER LOGIN INFORMATION FOR RESOURCES PAGE!! 50 We will be updating the password for the Membership Reports and Rosters page for the PY on September 1 st ! Please be sure to have your officer list to us by August 31 st so that we can send this new information to you!!
Certification information 51 For a listing of members in your chapter which hold a certification please Certification Listing for members who sat and passed the exam. Will be added to the monthly reports- This will be for the entire program year and not just for the month.
James E. Cravens Membership Award Nomination period extended until Sept 20 Nominate a member and / or a chapter membership champion Nominations should be sent to 53
Does your chapter… Need a copy of Quicken © software? –Chapter is entitled to one FREE copy Need a SharePoint page? Contact 54
55 Are you using social media in your chapter? Get Connected Now!
Next Chapter Leader Webinar Next webinar is September 18, 2013 Special guest is Katie Minan 1130 Eastern Let us know what topics YOU want! 63
64 What’s On Your Mind? ?