Software Quality Assurance Lecture #2 By: Faraz Ahmed
Contents 0 Personnel Requirements 0 SQA Tasks 0 Improving SQA
What qualities should an SQA engineer have???
What is an SQA Engineer? software engineer An SQA engineer is a software engineer trained in the disciplines of SQA.
Traits 0 Approximately 3 to 5 years developing software; 0 Experienced software engineer who has seen it all and has survived the software battles; 0 Individual seeking to advance to management or a program manager’s position; 0 Good communication skills; 0 Computer science academic background; 0 Willingness to meet and accept new challenges.
0 Why would an experienced software engineer be a good candidate?
0 Someone who believes he/she has had a limited role. 0 Wants to get in touch with the management more often. 0 Is not in love with technology and does not crave challenges.
0 Should be a good communication-ist. 0 Must be willing to EVOLVE the methodology depending on the needs of the organization. A research-oriented individual. 0 Objectivity in assessments.
SQA Process 1. Establish SQA Organization 2. Select SQA Tasks 3. Create/Maintain SQA Plan 4. Implement SQA Plan
SQA Process (contd.) 5. Create/Maintain SQA Procedures 6. Identify SQA Training 7. Identify/Select SQA Tools 8. Improve Project SQA Processes.
Establish SQA Organization 0 A Level of independence for the team. 0 Reporting possible to report higher.
SQA Tasks 0 Review of Software Products, tools and facilities. 0 Outline standards with which to compare softwares 0 Outline review process. 0 E.g informal Walkthrough and Formal Inspections.
0 Evaluation of Software Tools 0 Evaluation of facilities.
Process Audits- SQA Tasks 0 Software Process Audits 0 Scope of the Audit 0 Compliance 0 Non-Compliance
SQAP 0 Quality objectives, expressed in measurable terms whenever possible. 0 Identification of types of test, verification and validation activities to be carried out on product specification, plans and test specifications together with the methods and tools to be employed. 0 Defined entry and exit criteria for each development phase.
SQAP 0 Detailed planning of test verification and validation activities to be carried out, including schedules, resources and approval authorities. 0 Specific responsibilities for quality activities such as inspections, reviews and tests, 0 configuration management and change control, measurement and reporting, defect control and corrective action.
SQAP 0 Responsibilities and authority of the SQA group. 0 Resource requirements for the SQA group (including staff, tools, and facilities). 0 Schedule and funding of the project’s SQA group activities.
SQAP 0 The SQA group’s participation in establishing the software development plan, standards, and procedures for the project. 0 Evaluations to be performed by the SQA group. 0 Audits and reviews to be conducted by the SQA group.
SQAP 0 Project standards and procedures used as the basis for the SQA group’s reviews and audits. 0 Procedures for documenting and tracking noncompliance issues to closure.
SQAP 0 Documentation that the SQA group is required to produce. 0 Method and frequency of providing feedback to the software engineering group and other software- related groups on SQA activities.
SQA improving 0 Understanding project and SQA processes 0 Determining where inefficiencies or defects occur (root causes of defects) 0 Recommending changes to project processes to improve efficiency or reduce defects
SQA Improving 0 Recommending improvements to eliminate the root causes of defects 0 Recommending training courses for the project team
0 Thank you!